Hey, everyone. This is my first blog; I've been a member for roughly two hours. Nice site you have here.
[LIFE]Yeah, so, I've got a lot going on right now, from five Higher exams (don't know what the American equivalent is) to a lot of other rubbish that I won't go into. But I'm still finding a bit of time to make games and such.[GAME_MAKER]I've made a few things with game maker over the two years or so I've been using it. My current project is a topdown RPG called "West of the Void". I've finished most of the engine and will probably release a preliminary demo soon. Here's a screen of using the torch in the field, and battle results:There is also an opportunity for two people to join the development team awell, one for graphics, one for sound. PM me for details.[THE_DECOMPILER]I heard that Geargod released a decompiler for .GMK's. Everyone on messy mind seems to be pretty pissed but I don't see it as a big deal. The know-how has been around for ages and its not like its impossible to protect your files. [INTERSTING_INTERNET_STUFF]Yeah, so I found this cool neat site that retrieves pretty much any song:http://www.songza.com/listen?z=s3r1-f2db01c0c240add206a3ee2605c044de8f7eea15An interesting song that some of you might recognize. XDA compilation of useful tools:http://www.emergingtechs.com/posts/15-online-tools-you-will-come-love-techA strange picture:http://www.snafu.org/michelle/bm02/catbus.jpgNo explanation needed.Anyway, just to say "hi", hopefully we'll talk more later.
"stay outta my stash"
O laud what could be in dat stash?Stealing engines dose not make you cool. I do not think you're cool, you could try back later when I'm feeling sympathetic and have taken a shower.
Totally not cool man.It's pretty impossible for me to steal my own engine:
http://www.graybox.ccjmac.com/cave_com/index.php?showtopic=1227&st=0#entry22394Therfore you're kikko? 'Cause I'ma ignore the fact that it says in your topic:
He's not Kikko.
This is KikkoAnd if that example was made a while ago, you just posted that link on that forum today. So, unless you have undeniable proof that you are Kikko Fergae, get the fuck off my internets. Besides, I never really liked Kikko anyway, why someone would pose as him is beyond me.Sk8, It's a dupe?
Either a Dupe, or a stolen example. This is the classix example of "between a rock and a hard place".
Well if it was dupe, what kind of faggot would say he's Kikko? Also he has the same name on that other forum. Lets see you try to weasel your way out of that one asshole.
Yeah, OK, I'm the same guy as kikko. Big fucking deal. I guess the moderators are going to ban me now. This sucks, all I wanted to do was contribute to the site again after being technically banned for no reason whatsoever and all I get is shit.
You know what? I've given a lot to this site, Ive always tried to help you guys out with examples and stuff, so couldn't you just delete kikko and forget about this shit?