NewPHPSite; OldSituations;Hemingway:

Posted by VigilantPsyche on Feb. 7, 2008, noon



I'm just got the domain for my new site. So far I've just done posting and blogs but when it's finished it should have a lot of functionality like 64 digits, not that I'm attempting emulation, I want it to be unique.


Well, my exams are finally finished. Information Systems is the easiest subject in the world. Taking a db through 0NormalForm to 3NF gets you 1/5 of the marks for the paper!

To celebrate, I think I'll go and get wasted with the crasiest chick I know. I doubt I will be alive tommorow.


Hemingway was once bet $10 dollars to write a short story in 6 words, he came up with this:

"For sale: Baby shoes, Never worn."

Here's the thing, a group of about 8 friends and I were bored in Chemistry, so we started making them up.


Well basically what you do is write the story of your life in 6 words, it can be funny or serious. My friends and I came up with these:

"The grass wasn't greener after all."

"Should have taken the blue pill."

"Socially retarded, mentally retarded mathematical genius."

"So that's how the condom broke."

"Desicions made, no regrets… I think."

Why don't you guys post yours?

Anyway, I'm off to be an hero as such, toodles!

Phazon Yoshi: 'I tried. I failed; Oh well.'


PY 16 years, 11 months ago

:-( Mah post…

Yay, grammer fix'd!


'I tried. I failed; Oh well.'

VigilantPsyche 16 years, 11 months ago

Sorry, PY. It just didn't make any particular point.

Oh cool you tried the 6word thing…

Oh my, that's quite depressing. :(

PY 16 years, 11 months ago

Nice av, a2!

@VP, yeah, i know. My point was made, anyway, it was changed.

Yeah… I'm in a depressing mood…

Killpill28 16 years, 11 months ago

I sought peace, I wrought chaos.

I wins.

basilamer 16 years, 11 months ago

That can be your competition for now. =/

blueBX 16 years, 11 months ago

"I am master of my domain"

SoberMilk 16 years, 11 months ago

"I cut, rape and kill horses."

Polystyrene Man 16 years, 11 months ago

"Now I spit on God's face."

MahFreenAmeh 16 years, 11 months ago

"And with that left my memory."

MahFreenAmeh 16 years, 11 months ago

Also, lolphphelp.

See fig. 1.

Figure 1