IE vs. NE : An Epic Battle.

Posted by VigilantPsyche on May 25, 2008, 8:08 a.m.

As I add more and more features to my site, its becoming harder to keep Internet Explorer's incompetence under wraps. The thing is a joke, seriously, I used to think people were just being pretentious when they went on and on about firefox, but IE doesn't really interpret about half of CSS correctly! Its actually quite shocking how such a terrible program is so widely used:

Anyway what else? Yes, my final high school exams are finished. I finally get to unload a massive amount of useless information: What is a NC-MOSFET, this poem, line for line ( ), how to optimize area… All of which I will undoubtedly never use again.

To be honest its a little depressing; we could become so much more were our time in these damn class rooms better spent.

On a brighter note now that the exams are finished a group of my friends and I are planning to have what has been described as a "hot tub party". I am a little worried though, what with one of my male friends tendency to nude up at parties. That would seriously not be cool. ._.

But I figured that a large amount of you haven't read up to this part so as a little experiment I'm going to put "you all suck!" here and calculate the percentage of comments that reference this terrible insult just for funsies.

Other things, purple belt shotokan grading in three weeks, no school for two, still trying to learn japanese, writing flash apps for NE.

I'm off to watch Pulp Fiction, sayonara.


[deleted user] 16 years, 9 months ago

I don't suck >:(

I am a little worried though, what with one of my male friends tendency to nude up at parties.
Just nude up more. Simple.

Requiem 16 years, 9 months ago

I've always wondered how we've come to decide what 'properly' is in terms of webpage rendering. It's like, one day W3C said "Hey guys, guess what? We're right." and everyone else was just like, "Yeah."

s 16 years, 9 months ago

I've always wondered how we've come to decide what 'properly' is in terms of webpage rendering. It's like one day W3C said "Hey guys, guess what? We've got an internationally developed standard so that you're site will render the way you want it on any browser that follows it" and everyone was just like, "Makes sense"

Tasm 16 years, 9 months ago

I've always wondered why people argue over things as trivial as internet browsers and the way they render different types of code. One day, someone said, "Why don't people use a better browser?" and I said, "Why the hell do you care?"

Tasm 16 years, 9 months ago

Also, hurray for Karate.

KaBob799 16 years, 9 months ago

IE8 is supposed to follow the standards, when it comes out. Doesn't bother me cause all my sites work perfectly in IE anyway.

PY 16 years, 9 months ago

Zipper, you're clearly not a web developer.

Josea 16 years, 9 months ago

Zipper, you're clearly not a web developer.
Definitely. Getting something to work in firefox, IE and other stuff can get annoying, very annoying.

aeron 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, especially when your code IS xhtml compliant, but it still looks like shit in IE.

And don't even fucking get me started on PNGs

VigilantPsyche 16 years, 9 months ago

Onii: Sounds like a plan.

JakeX: I think if a covention is used by most browsers then its the norm, and in this case rightly so. IE is just an irritating exeption. Also if any one has the right to propose WWW standards, I think its Tim Berners-Lee.

serprex: Very apt.

Zipper Head: I used to feel this way but it is extremely annoying having to make your website "safe" for retarded browsers like IE.

KaBob799: That'll make things a lot easier; I can't wait.

PY onwards: I concur with these gentlemen: IE is bollocks.
