Hey. I'm kind of trying to get back into making my RPG but I keep getting s[T]uck on things. For instance, what sort of pattern should stats take when the player levels up? I can't really think of any way to do this…
For the experience I thought I'd use this:(3*sqr(global.level))+(5*sqr(global.level))If it looks familiar then that's because Kilin wrote it.But I'm really stumped as to how the character's stats, like strength and so on should increase…Any ideas?In other news I went back for another X-ray after the whole "ZOMG MAH LUNG COLAPSD" thing. Turns out it went better than expected. Actually most of the trapped O2 has been re-absorbed back into the lungs so YAY. I won't need any large tubes stuck through my ribs. >_>What else… Oh yeah, I got file uploads and AJAX friends shiz working thanks to a few helpful members of 64Digits. ^_^Anyway that's all I can think to write. Please have a think about the RPG stat thing! =DSayonara.
D: But yeah the choice thing sounds quite meaty. I think I'll go for that. =D
Add by the Fibonacci sequence. lol