
Posted by Viper on Dec. 27, 2006, 12:14 p.m.

Yep, after playing some campaign with a 64D member, I decided to make this blog for everyone with Gears of War. I'm sure there's plenty of you since Christmas is now over. So if you have XBL post your gamertag, and I'll add you to my friendslist. I also have Project 8 and NHL 07 if anyone wants to play those.

I may, MAY start working on my old topdown shooter again, the problem is, I started it like 8 months ago, so all the coding is crap, and I don't want to restart it. Besides, knowing me I'll just work on it for a week, think about working on the AI, and quit again. That's usually how it goes. Then again, I did have the AI working decently, since it (crappily) checked the light source around it and had a line of sight and all that. I just need to add calling for backup and work on interrogations. Anyone know of anything else the AI should do?


Requiem 18 years, 1 month ago

Wait - that was YOU? XD

I actually managed to <b>accidentally</b> invite you to my game - but hey, it made RAAM that much easier… and yes, I was packing a LOT of Torque Bow shots.

(Oh, and by the way, good work with getting slaughtered by those Kryll)

Alx 18 years, 1 month ago

TooManyPenguins - Gamer Tag

I just got gears of war on christmas and I haven't been able to play it.

Viper 18 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, since I just joined I didn't have a torque bow. And thanks, I try. ;)

RetroVortex 18 years, 1 month ago

I've got gears of war..

But I'm saving up my gold membership, until I get loads of 360 games, and then go on a mega gaming binge (probably in the summer holidays…)