I decided to take some requests since I don't really have a main project now, except Slider, which is pretty much done. Just post what you want an example of, and I'll try to make it for you. Don't make it too incredibly hard, though. I'll try to do as many as I can.
How about a level editor? I need one of those. Just make it easy to edit.
MARTIN BRODEUR RULES. He's my favourite player in the NHL and I don't even really like New Jersey, though I'll cheer for them if the Canucks get eliminated, which is extremely likely year after year.
Anywho, I have the same b-day as him too: May 6. 'Cept he was born in like '72.i need it so i can do like'if string = (str here)
or like 'type your name' then your name appears as textBaziiboi, I'll do that right now.
Ok, I finished it and submitted it. JesseRooA22, sorry, I can't do that. That's pretty complicated, since it involves writing to and reading .txt files. I could make an editor, but I couldn't make the level usable in-game. Sorry.