My Birthday

Posted by WaleedAmer on Dec. 18, 2006, 7:41 p.m.

Today is my birthday! I got a ton of money. I'm talking about 620 bucks! I will be spending most of it on a Wii, some games, an extra wiimote, and an extra nunchuk attachment. I am also pissed at GameStop for not having enough Wiis. Yesterday, my older sisters went to GameStop at 6:00 in the morning, and GameStop only had 7 Wiis. My sisters were 8th in line! Meh, life's unfair… I know this is not long enough… Yeah… Well, the day's over… Kinda… Almost… If you haven't already, look at my previous blog. Well, you can't really call it a blog, because it's so damn short! =P Anyway, if you're too lazy to look at it, It says that I played Call of Duty 3 and Wii Sports on my friend's Wii. Call of Duty 3 for the Wii kicks any game's ass…

…No really.

P.S. Can somebody please remove this tag, because I'm sure it's long enough…


Theodore III 18 years ago

Happy Birthday.

Nice present!

Shame about the Wii

You might want to make it a bit longer

Amarin 18 years ago

Happy birthday! =D

But off the front page j00 go! Unless you make it longer. =P

poultry 18 years ago



poultry 18 years ago

BTW: Prepare to spent 12 hours in line at GameStop.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years ago

Happy birthday! :)

*adds to favorite users*

WaleedAmer 18 years ago

Thank you for your kind comments…

*Glares at ChIkEn*

poultry 18 years ago

BTW: It's called mugging the person infront of you, durr.

blueBX 18 years ago

Happy B-Day!

*Does same as Mast3rmind*

Also Wii Sports is cool.

Flea1991 18 years ago

Congratulations, you've made another year! =D

thernz 18 years ago

Weeee. Next time you should get a Super NES. I heard that console's aweshweet.