I Did it. I Actually Did it.

Posted by Warlin on Nov. 14, 2006, 8:55 a.m.

|<b>Yeah thats right, I scared myself</b>|

While testing my latest doom map level, I found myself scared simply by taken by suprise. Even though I had put everything in I guess you really dont know how something turns out untill you look at it. Oh man, now that I got the formula down, its only gonna get scarier >:).

Suprise + Bad Lightning + Non Repeated Traps+ Really Annoying Enemies = Ouch, Scary.

Be sure to look for a doom map near you! :D

||<b>In Other News</b>||

: I'm mad at the 64 digits people for not letting me use my font tags but, I'm not going to complain about that.

<b>Heater :D!</b>

Its been a slow morning, as usual. With a few changes that is. I finally got a heater in my room so I wont freeze to death. Now its too hot :| You know thats really lame. But atleast I'm not freezing anymore, and thats a good thing.

<b>Legend of Boredom</b>

Bah, you know how some times you get so bored you do something stupid? Well guess what I did? I played LOZ LTTP o.o. I got to gannons tower in about two days :. Now why is this stupid you ask? Because I can NEVER EVER <b>EVER</b> finish a zelda game, its a curse. So really I'm just fooling myself. On a second note, I was also so bored I started playing MMX:Command Mission. It got horrible scores but I love the megaman series and I thought it was pretty decent. A little too easy, but decent.


How many games do you have that suck?

I have about 7, Doom3 included(Yeah I know leave me alone)

Thank you for your time good day and good luck.


Asterisk 18 years, 3 months ago

Hmmm, how many games:

1: RF Online - Just…….no

2: Hulk: Ultimate Destruction - Was ok at first, but got old.

3: Yoshi: Touch and Go - Wow, I've had more fun watching paint dry.

That's about it. Oh, I hate LTTP, thought it was the worst Zelda game.

Misconstruct 18 years, 3 months ago

Freezing pwns sweating any day.

Warlin 18 years, 3 months ago

Obviously you dont live in utah o.o

Shork 18 years, 3 months ago

It better not be a kerosene heater. Those things are cancer city.

Extravisual 18 years, 3 months ago

Freezing pwns sweating any day. I'm from Alaska.

How many games I have that suck: Hmm, I wouldn't know, I haven't played many of my games in a long time.

squeakyreaper 18 years, 3 months ago

Yoshi _________

Saves me the trouble of filling that in.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 3 months ago

How many games do I have that suck?

Well, the one I bought most recently is DEFCON. God, that sucks so hard.