No Wii Because Playstation 3 ._.

Posted by Warlin on Nov. 16, 2006, 11:06 a.m.

<b>Today we dance in sorrow and joy</b>

Hell if you dont want the Wii Obviously you don't know about super smash brothers. Unfortunately for me, I'm not going to be getting a Wii. No instaid I will be getting a playstation 2….While my stepdad gets the playstation 3. It was part of an agreement, mainly because most of the games I have are for playstation 2 and its kind of hard to play them without acess to a playstation 2 twentyfourseven. So, to aquire the ps2 twentyfourseven I'm helping him buy the ps3 :/. Hundred Bucks out of my pocket =D. No matter, I'm still going to be able to play the playstation 3 its just only when he isn't playing it. But still…. oh how I will regret not buying you almighty Wii….. you slipped out of my reach so gracefully.

<b>Mean man you!</b>

Incase any of you might be wondering, "Why havent you released that silly onenighter game?" Well I'm not going to untill I finish my doom maps :D once I finish level fifteen I'm done then, it will be jawesome. extremely jawesome. Like utterly and totally JAWUHSAWM. So JAWUHSAWM I'll get an award from myself that myself made. Also damn uploader has cancer so… thats might tac on more time to that or make me use a different host… and of course I'm not going to use this site to host my doom maps… that would just be cruel.

<b>Oh god no, please no</b>

Yeah my grades are sucking this quarter and if you don't know what that means that probably means you've never got a D(or three Fs) or gone to probation school. I'm probably going to get kicked out of advanced science, get my pretty ds and psp taken away, and cry at the loss of my game cube. Plus, as an added torture theres word of me losing my computer privlages, which is totally uncool because then I wouldn't be able to make my JAWYHSAWM maps :(

Also, if my bold tags dont work I'm going to cry.


Wii? 360? PS3? or Windows Vista?


You dont like my question of the blog do you?


KaBob799 18 years, 3 months ago

ill nevar ghet a ps3! (unless the price lowers, i get rich, or it somehow manages to get games I just have to have)

Asterisk 18 years, 3 months ago

I like them all. But i like the wii most of all.

melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

I'm getting a Wii, a 360 at some point in time, and I'll be downloading Windows Vista because I will never in hell pay 250 dollars for software.

Rob 18 years, 3 months ago

ps3 ftw

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 3 months ago

I'll be downloading Windows Vista because I will never in hell pay 250 dollars for software.

Amen, but my cousin just got a new computer, and it came with a coupon to buy Vista for $79

He said he might buy it, otherwise he would give it to me. But he would probally buy it cause hes just like that :|.

Omega_Squid 18 years, 3 months ago

[rant]Hell no, PS3 wont go![/rant]

Please continue said rant! =O

Alert Games 18 years, 3 months ago

PS3 sux. Xbox360 is better than it in every aspect except the graphics card and the bluetooth. It is fact by looking at a comparison chart.

My bro will get the wii, and I will get the 360.