Warlin Says Hur dur dur dur

Posted by Warlin on July 11, 2007, 3:49 a.m.

Hmm… Oh my god do I have to tell you something… My Top… Topic… deal for this week is RE4:

<b>Resident Evil 4</b>

Lets see here, A short game indeed but damn was every hour freakin' sweet. That game blew my mind. Over at my uncles house I played RE4 all the way through. He had just barely got it and beat it himself and he forced me to beat it. I started playing it though again, so far I have 4 Weapons Maxed and Overloaded. Or whatever that was… anyways, I don't want to say much about the game except play it. PLAY IT NOW!


Well after I finished Pet Duck I decided, "Eh what the hell, lets make another game that slaughters innocent and cute animals." I started working on Pet Bunny… It just happens to be built off of Pet Duck because I'm incredibly freaking lazy. Don't worry though, I plan to add/change enough to it to make it a different game all together. Currently I'm working on minor improvements such as new items and redoing all of the graphics for the buttons and… well everything.


The game report, what do I have to say this week?




The gnarliest freeware Vertical Shooter EVER. It only has one background, but you'll be too busy getting your ass handed to you on a silver plate to notice. Definantly pick this one up and try it out if you have a like of Vertical Scrollers.

I don't have a Wii. That means no SSBB. Then again PS3 means this: ARMORED CORE 4! Ridiculed by alot of people who say the controls suck and the gameplay is below average, I have stayed loyal to the series and love every game that I've gotten my hands on. I like to explode things… Don't you? I'm getting 60 bucks soon and that means its time to buy it. The godly graphics and the power of the PS3 will make my life that much better. The Wii be damned as long as I get my AC4!… and RE5… and MGS4… And Virtua Fighter 5… and Tekken 6… and DOA 4… THE LIST GOES ON!

Don't get me wrong I don't hate Nintendo. I'm simply stating that I don't need a Nintendo Wii to be happy =D! Oh, and for those of you who argue that the PS3 games are shallow and lack deep gameplay… So does the Wii's games. I've seen them, they're not all that 'in depth'

<b>Other News!</b>

My new favorite phrase has become HUR DUR DUR DUR! Don't ask why… I think I'm losing my mental capacity.

I constantly slap my face as of lately too… OH SHIT!!!




Rob 17 years, 7 months ago



The game report, what do I have to say this week?




The gnarliest freeware Vertical Shooter EVER. It only has one background, but you'll be too busy getting your ass handed to you on a silver plate to notice. Definantly pick this one up and try it out if you have a like of Vertical Scrollers.

I link would be helpful…

Amarin 17 years, 7 months ago

You link, Rob?

Rob 17 years, 7 months ago


Warlin 17 years, 7 months ago

I'm sure they were referring to this:

I link would be helpful…

Rob 17 years, 7 months ago