In other news...Pet Bunny gets colorful!

Posted by Warlin on July 18, 2007, 12:21 a.m.

<b>Remember that one episode of Sponge Bob when he sells Pretty Patties?…</b>

Well I don't have those. That'd just be stupid! Bunnies don't eat beef patties. What bunnies do eat however is grass and carrots and feed and all of that fun stuff that bunnies eat that no one really cares about. That however, does not explain the title of this blog post thingamajigger. What makes Pet Bunny colorful? Hmm.. Well to start off, I added another room and made them persistent. Ok. No big deal. Thats not really colorful at all now is it? Wow me damnit! kay. But I'm not promising much. I added in a cheap ass change my bunnies color. Yeah, red, blue, green, white, and custom. Fun isn't it? Almost as fun as grenades. I love grenades :3. That and the good old wood chippers. Everyone loves those :D! What did I do with pet bunny?

Not much really I just cut down on the buttons in favor for right click menus. Which I mean is cool. Do you get screen shots? Hell no >=| I'm freakin' lazy.

<b>Games Games Games Ga-… Games Games…</b>

Wheee! Well lets see here, what do I have to say about games this week?

Oh right!

A Game Controller your computer should have-

The Saitek Rumble Force P2500. Why should you have this game controller? Because its durable it has plenty of buttons and it has the god of all gaming controller layouts. Because everyone knows the best and best looking controller out there was the PS2 controller. Icky GC controllers D:.

Odin Sphere -

I played this one awhile back. Gets repetitive but overall a gnarly game. A few miles away from normal this game has the most odd quirks in a playstation 2 RPG I've seen in awhile… A long while. It has an odd system where you gain exp from eating food instead of killing enemies. You plant seeds and kill monsters to make them grow. They give you fruit or in one case of mutton gone wrong a Barronete. Its also a side scroller. Which you don't see often. An odd game. You should try it if you like… you know… weird games.

<b>Other News</b>

Lesse here… Hmm. Well I lost all of my memory cards. Which sucks big nuts. Just warning all the people who don't know~

Alright… Not much else to say this week. I'm a lazy man. Don't forget it :3.


sk8m8trix 17 years, 7 months ago

I found a dead bunny when i was mowing my neighbors lawn. It scared the shit out of me….