Warlin's Awesome Idea

Posted by Warlin on Aug. 16, 2007, 2:49 p.m.

<b>Suddenly it hit me, like a fist</b>

Its not often I have an epiphany while playing one of my own games. Well its not often I have an epiphany at all. Well I was playing Pet Bunny because you know, its kick ass. Thats when I decided, "Hey, I can bend this game over the table and beat it until it cries." Which roughly translates to, "I have a much, much better idea than this." A sandbox game with so much potential its scary. Why? Because I've planned this out, I'm going to make a game based around a single object. This single object is going to have a hell load of variables that tell it what to do. You can modify every single one of them. Is the object enterable? Is it a person? Does it have a job? If so where? Does it have a home? If so where? Does it hate or like a certain faction? What is its personality? What are its skills? What is its graphic? Is it a custom graphic?

While this is an ungodly amount of work that requires so many scripts that I'm going to be crying by the end of the project I'm not going to back out now. This idea is too good. Numm, ideas.

Anyways, Onto other things.


<b>Armored Core 4</b>

Damn this game is sweet. At first my impression of it was that it was a shadow of the previous games in the series. I found it way too simple. The missions were too short. There wasn't enough money to keep me from getting my ass kicked. Well now that I've played the game for awhile and fought my first two 'Next Armored Cores'(Which if you don't know means godly Armored Core that will freaking rip your head off) I realized that this game is nowhere near simple. The amount of strategy you have to put into your thinking to get past all of the hail of missiles, bullets, plasma, shrapnel, and sometimes even nuclear submarines is intense. The customization of the Armored Cores goes beyond the beyond. They did however, take out fully custom emblems. I guess they were lazy. *shrugness* Or they figured that no one even drew their own emblems anyways. The graphics of this game are godlike and if you don't appreciate them then you should be slapped in the face. The detail on the shadows and lights goes so far as to effect your decals. The arenas blow the shit out of the arenas in AC3.(which is also a badass game) The musical soundtrack is way different than AC3's and in my opinion could use a little work and the sounds could have done better as well. So heres the scores for my review:

Gameplay 9/10 -

While I was first angered I later realized this game was complicated just like the other games in the series, just a bit too complicated for my tastes.

Graphics 10/10 -

The graphics of this game blew my ass away. Theres not much else to say besides <b>OH MY EFFING GOD!!!</b>

Music 7/10 -

The music is alright. It doesn't suck so I can't give it less than a seven.

Sound 7/10 -

The sound is ok. Its just a tad too staticy.

Overall 9/10 -

Where the sound and the music plays mediocre the gameplay and the graphics more than make up for it. This game is a true sequel to the AC series and I commend sega(Who just recently bought Agetec I think) for keeping the series alive. Nintendo says their games are more deep and require more thought? Screw them. Armored Core 4 puts Nintendo in its place as a company thats a former shadow of itself(BRING BACK THE N64-LIKE GAMES DAMN YOU!) and is nothing more than a peddler of cheap party games. No offense~

<b>Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion</b>

This game rocks. Need I say more?

<b>Other News</b>

Last night I went to a ZZTop concert. They also had The Pretenders and Stray Cats there. I wasn't impressed by the pretenders but the Stray Cats rock the house man. Kick ass. ZZTop did even better. However, they didn't give an encore. Oh well, they're old now I can understand~

Peace out



mazimadu 17 years, 6 months ago

Armored core remind me of mechwarrior and heavy gear.

Also, I would not say screw nintendo, but the crap they showed us at E3 was a load of balls. Wii fit? WTF?

Warlin 17 years, 6 months ago

Well maybe they should get mother 3 in the USA >.>

Rob 17 years, 6 months ago

Nintendo is nothing more than a peddler of cheap party games.
I agree =D (some exceptions, but for the most part thats what they are)

And, yeah, Oblivion pwns too much, I don't have Armor Core, might download the demo, never been much of a fan of mech games.

NoodleNog 17 years, 6 months ago

Apart from MP:Corruption, of course.

Kenon 17 years, 6 months ago

Quote: Warlin
Nintendo is nothing more than a peddler of cheap party games.
They sell. Trust me; A game with multiplayer fast-based fun will sell, especially if played with something interactive like the wiimote.

stampede 17 years, 6 months ago

Oblivion <3

Lethal 17 years, 5 months ago

Armored Core looks average, its nothing special. The mechs look very nice, bet eveything else is pretty bland.