ARMORED WTF?!(Warlin's Online Stories!)

Posted by Warlin on Aug. 22, 2007, 6:10 p.m.

<b>Armored Core 4</b>

K so, I was playing Armored Core 4 Right? I could NEVER beat Amazigh without his AC activating(I mean I can still beat him but still). So I go to a new new game and pick the AC Tellus. It looks pretty lame, I thought you know… it'd make the game a bit harder.(Lol.) Anyways I breeze past the first couple of missions and I get to Amazigh. Well I get to his fun car and his AC is still on it. So I shoot at it, expecting it to get up and attack! Well it activates alright, for about 0.3 seconds before I shoot it down. I was like, WTF?! So a couple of missions later I decide to go to the simulator and fight Amazigh again. Except this time he wouldn't be at a disadvantage. I pocketed 320,000 bucks after that fight >_>. So, like the smartass I am, I go back to the Amazigh mission and change it to hard mode. I go in as soon as I do I get a message, "Barbaroi is already activated!" I was like, "pfft. This isn't a hard mission". I plow through Amazigh like the wussy he is. I turn behind me and the AC that was helping me beat him on normal mode is trying to kill me!! So I'm down to 300 AP(which is like buttsecksed!). I say, "Oh fuck you!" and overboost to the side. Turning about 45 degrees, I catch him right in the chest and launch a volley of plasma and missles. He dashes at me and gets ready to laser blade me and finish me off. I drop my empty plasma guns and swap them out for my energy pistols and catch him right before he gets close enough to attack me! The end of the mission, Which I must have done fast, I get an A rank and 800,000 credits. Not to mention a free part…(Continued Below)

<b>Steam Redeems itself!</b>

Well see I'm missing my CD for Half-Life. Which sucks… badly. How am I supposed to play Sven-Coop? Well I log into my steam account and by god do they love me. They let me download HL for free. Not to mention I can download about 4 other games for free too! Including Team Fortress Classic. Now see, this would be completely awesome if blizzard had the balls to do this too. That way I'd stop having to buy WC3 and SC discs >.>.

<B>Rainbow 6:Vegas</B>

Yeah, every time I hear the words Rainbow 6 I cringe. Mainly because the gameplay always pulls me away from the game from being too difficult and having a steep learning curve. Rainbow 6:Vegas is no different. This time however, I persisted. Its an awesome game if you can push through it and have alot of patience. Anyways, I was playing online with some peeps. I picked the wrong weapons and I ended up having to use my pistol the whole time we played. I ran out and shot a terrorist five times in the face and died. The terrorist however, was fine >_>. Not too happy about that.(Realistic my ass) We played for a decent amount of time and I racked up a modest amount of points. In the end however. I have to say. WHY THE HELL DID YOU REGRESS SONY!? BAD SONY BAD!!!!!!!!! Ok look. Remember how nintendo did that gay shit for the DS that made it so you joined a random game. Well apparently Sony decided that was a GREAT idea. Smooth Sony… SMOOTH.

<b>Armored Core 4 Cont.</b>

After conquering the hardmode Amazigh I decided it was time. Thats right. It was time to face the people from Japan. On Sony's network you never know what you're getting into. I equipped the strongest plasma weapon I could and entered the fray, a 6 Man Battle Royale. At the beginning they had the upper hand. I wasn't about to give up though. After wasting one of the small fries I took on big guns. We tangoed for a great amount of time, I got him down to about 24,000. My health was almost equal to his. I was about to launch my missile hail of doom upon his piteous face when all of the sudden… DAMN YOU SONY! WTF?! They disconnected me from Playstation Network…. >_> Wow sony you're awesome.

<b>This concludes this Edition of Warlin's Online Stories</b>


Kenon 17 years, 6 months ago

Hehe. I like the Armored Core Series. If I had a PS3, I'd get AC4.