Concerts and Foul Language!

Posted by Warlin on Sept. 9, 2007, 3:32 a.m.

Yeah I know I already said I went to ZZ-Top this year. So how the hell would I get to go to a second one?! Awesome story.

<b>The Awesome Story.</b>

Right. So lately I've been pissed the fuck OFF at the school system. Mainly because I plan to make a living off of game programming and to tell you the truth I don't see any reason, in my personal life, why I should be learning advanced biology. On top of that the homework load is idiodic. I'm in the fucking honors class and these douchebags decide to treat me like a retard and insult my intelligence by giving me MORE homework than I would get in the regular class. So what? You don't think I heard you the first time when you gave your damn lecture?! Jesus christ I'm not an idiot I don't need this much homework because I'm smart. How the fuck do you think I even got in this goddamn class?! Most of those kids in that class need to wear a helmet because they're retarded and it SHOWS. Anyways in the short amount of time I've been in school its been wearing on me like a bad sunburn that wont go away. So I talked to my mother about dropping out and about how insulted I feel. Except you know it came out the wrong way and suicide popped up. I didn't know it'd work for my favor later on.*shrug* So ma calls grampa and grampa tells gramma. It just so happens that the next day they're going to go see a concert. Now grampa hates driving with gramma because gramma talks a hell load. A modest 6 hour drive later we had picked up my Aunt and Uncle(who are 18 and just got to college)and were at the concert. Def Leppard, Styx and Foreigner. Gnarly ass concert. Among a bunch of other tunes the three bands(in no particular order) played Hot Blooded, Mirror Mirror, Cold as Ice, Armageddon it, and Two Steps Behind you. But Styx didn't do the Mister Roboto Song. D:.

Since none of you care I'd like to say I started workin ' on meh games again. I started/finished the 5th level of OneDay 2 which has the weirdest ass(and buttfuckingly hard) boss yet. My left arm is sore as hell from doing another test run of the game. I still love it but I just found out that when I'm tired the game becomes a swearfest for me. Dropping F bombs everytime I screwup and insulting the screen(and shaking it every time I win).

Anyways Peace



[deleted user] 17 years, 5 months ago

But Styx didn't do the Mister Roboto Song. D:


Anyway, I'm not a big fan of the school system, really.

JoshDreamland 17 years, 5 months ago

Wall of text!

I'd read it if it had breaks every once in a while. I'm just not having any incentive atm.


Have fun.


Polystyrene Man 17 years, 5 months ago

Biology is actually really interesting.

Cesar 17 years, 5 months ago

Poly, we know, you have an avatar of a freaking fetus