62 Day Challenge for Me

Posted by Warptweet on March 18, 2007, 12:19 a.m.

If you could make another 64Digits, what would it be like? What features would it have that 64Digits does not have right now?

If somebody was willing to make another 64Digits in 62 days, with as many additional features suggested by you and others that this 64Digits doesn't have, would you suggest the person do it, and encourage him?

IF people want me to, I'd like to take myself up on a personal 62 day challenge, to create a website like 64Digits, but also with the features that users suggest, making it a bit newer.

I will take up this challenge if people want me to, and I"ll do my best, and if people suggest enough here, and encourage me on this blog, then I will post to mark the beginning of the 62 day timeline for my to create it. Even if it's not 100% done, I would show what I have done so far in 62 days if I take up the challenge.

I understand some people might be.. picky about this, I'm not sure why somebody would NO want a person to make a website thats BETTER, but I'm simply willing to make a 64Digits type website, dedicated to GM

I recently gained some seriously improved PHP skills and MySQL skills, which I never knew while I was making a GM website, so I am willing to give my shot at making a website for GM one last try, but this, time, using my own code, and what YOU WANT this time, this time you get YOUR say.

If people post fast enough… I can possibly get a nice version going by the end of spring break (consiering I spend like….. 3274892743 hours a day (I know, I know, there are only 24 hours in a day) on the computer :) )


Warptweet 17 years, 11 months ago

If I was not myself, and I was suggesting, this is what I would suggest..

-Who is viewing the current blog page

-MAJOR: A page that every user gets when they sign up, which is customizable allowing users to change the background and add their own comments and such, since I personally think only having a blog is too limited for conversation.

Cesar 17 years, 11 months ago

I've grown since our last encounter, so no worry of me flaming you, looking at the stealing games blog made me realize how immature and retarded I was back then.

Just so you know, trying to make another 64digits is the same as trying to make another [insert country name here]. It's the community, not the code, that makes up 64digits

Many of us have grown out of our senseless flaming days, or so I hope, but this is a contreversial blog, especially the exaggerated number of hours per day, hell, there isn't that many seconds in a day =/

Note: There's 31536000 seconds in a year… :P

OL 17 years, 11 months ago

You can't just "make another 64Digits".

Warptweet 17 years, 11 months ago

I understand that completely.

I just thought that if there was something missing that you would like, I'd gladly try again at GM. I know it's the community mainly, since no website is perfect, and 64digits.com or Warptweet.com is no exception, it's simply that I was wondering if people who use GM would want me to try again.

So far it's a no, but if you want me to, post your suggestions.

Thanks for your kind comment MrPacman. I'm simply trying to imply that I can do something better this time, not another copyright issue on the GMC, something different for a change. Another thing is that I'm eagerly searching for something to program! Since I've basically finished Warptweet.com other than the design, which my friend has just recently come up with the volunteer motive to make a design for me.

Nighthawk 17 years, 11 months ago

If you make it really good, I might use it. [:D]

Warptweet 17 years, 11 months ago

Lol, haha :)

I'm already making one. The thing is, I don't care if anyone wants me too, as long as it's 100% my photoshop design made by myself, and 100% my coding with no scripts stolen, then I'm proud of myself, originality and not taking anothers script is something I've learned the HARD way that making your own website yourself, and taking the time to learn how to code just for the sake of the community is good enough.

I've learned after so long, but now, I'm ready to make more than just a 64digits, I'm making a website that has these nice features here, but not a copy, I'm making a site that I can call one that I made, with extra features, something thats user-friendly and where people can just submit their games easily.

I'd give you a link to preview, but so far my close friends are the only ones who can see it now.


I don't care how many members join, as long as people submit content, and people find it USEFUL, I'm okay with that. Let 64Digits stay in the lead, but don't be biast, if you don't take a look at it, don't just defend 64Digits by lieing and saying it sucks please :)

And yes, we were ALL very immature. At that "Stealing Games" blog I could see how SICK and twisted everyone who posted there was. 90% of them including me sucked horribly.

Trust me, there will be at least one or two GOOD features that you will find, not found here :) Or at least I hope so (I don't look at 64Digits much, I don't want to steal their ideas, so I don't really know about the websites features)

panzercretin 17 years, 10 months ago

you remind me of dr phil (NOT!) from gmshowcase. anyone know who he is?

noshenim 17 years, 10 months ago

If I were you, i'd destroy my history of warptweet and start over compleetly with a new username and identity. I'd also get a new I.P. address.

panzercretin 17 years, 9 months ago

…. and not remind ANYONE of it, unlike Dr. Phil (NOT!) did.

s 17 years, 9 months ago

Personal exercises are nice