Stealing Games

Posted by Warptweet on Oct. 3, 2006, 8:35 p.m.

Whats wrong with you people?

You accuse me of stealing games?

They are freeware games.

FREEware, as in FREE to distribute.

You guys are idiots, you made up your own freeware law.


Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago

Err… Point? :D Meh, oh well, I simply don't get your ipod joke.

…That also does not prove I broke a freeware rule or anything, so I still can't be judged by anyone.

Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago


Nobodies catching me stealing any games on here, do you? HUH?

Maybe you all ARE overreacting.

Nonetheless, make useless diversions to stop you from admitting I didn't do anything wrong.

LoserHands 18 years, 1 month ago

ok, FUCK you, i agreed partially with you, I would give you a chance, to RESPECT you whether or not you took my game (defending heroftime, he is at times irritating but whatever). But you decided to offend me. Go fuck yourself, bitch. I dont need a little game leech to make fun of my last name. they are not overacting either, you took their games, even if its not freeware, its their art, its like this, leonardo divinci painted the mona lisa a few moments ago, you are in an unknown village with no laws or such whatsoever. you wouldnt take his art and put it in some sort of personal gallery would you? no.

"Err… Point? :D Meh, oh well, I simply don't get your ipod joke" He's re-wording the "broken record" joke, get it?

"Nonetheless, make useless diversions to stop you from admitting I didn't do anything wrong."

And as far as I know you've stolen games, but thats by hearing. All i'm saying is respect other people, you dont know half the people your accusing of being babies. And you should just completely change your site to flash games rather than GM because the majority (or possibly whole) of people here don't want you to steal their games, this will assure them of it , im saying this because of the fact that you said take a screenshot, because as far as I know you dont own the site/ put a sort of code or something to stop us from accessing it not allowing us to get proof.

btw, thx mast3rmind.

"Defend actions is GOOD, your trying to prove that you did nothing wrong, and trying to actually fit in for once, because you were thrown out for doing something that was right."

Okay, another stupid argument. Stealing games is right? WTF!? You'll never fit in, why you ask? Because you ask for forgiveness and then defend your wrong actions YOU admitted of doing, you passed up all your chances of fitting back in deliberately. We don't give a fack if we are cursing at a 12yr old, we're yelling at a retarded one.



Warptweet below

"Unless one of you can prove to me that I broke the freeware rules, then your all overreacting for something I didnt even do you 98% of you who posted here."


"Everything you see or read on the Service is owned by us or used with permission. You may not copy, use, or retransmit anything for the Service without our express written permission. Furthermore, you are not allowed to post or distribute any material you do not own or which you do not have permission to use. Violation of this policy may result in copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights violation and subject you to civil or criminal penalties."


"you are not allowed to post or distribute any material you do not own or which you do not have permission to use. Violation of this policy may result in copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights violation and subject you to civil or criminal penalties."


DFortun81 18 years, 1 month ago


NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 1 month ago

Whilst I did NOT do something WRONG.
Seriously, learn how to fucking read next time. You flamed those people, and yet you act like you didn't do anything wrong.
I don't even need to say anything anymore. You just pwned yourself.

FredFredrickson 18 years, 1 month ago

This is pathetic. Utterly, and hopelessly pathetic.

Obviously Warptweet did something wrong in the past. I can't say that I like the guy, really… but frankly, the lengths some of you have gone to here to try to insult him and make yourself look cool is just sad. Gee, you can sit at your little computers that mom and dad bought for you, and curse out someone on the internet. I'm impressed, I really am.

If any of you are even old enough to know what Lord of the Flies is, and you remember the final scene from the movie, then maybe you can relate to how I sometimes feel in this community (I would be the marine standing there on the beach).

The comments on this blog are a showcase of 64 Digits at it's worst - a bunch of children arguing over something they really had nothing to do with… and continuing to fuel the flames under the false impression that it makes them look cool.

Grow up people. You're not owning anyone. Blasting someone over and over and over on this community makes you look stupid, and the community as a whole look childish.

melee-master 18 years, 1 month ago

I have to agree with Fred. What's over is over. When someone dies, you don't mourn forever, you move along, or else you end up nowhere. The exact same principle should have applied here… But apparently it did not.

Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago

I did shortly after the complaints came in.

The downloads already submitted simply stayed for a short period of time longer.

And by the way…. you say I got owned?

Then whya ren't you telling me what I did wrong?

(with legal or proof that I actually did something wrong)

Telling me that this is utterly pathetic doesn't overrule the freeware rules, so I'm just waiting for somebody to try and actually tell me what freeware rule I broke.

Warptweet 18 years, 1 month ago

By the way…

The way you guys do things like… and such is probably just as bad as me, IF I EVEN DID ANYTHING WRONG.

All these posts, blogs, and for some reason you feel that what I did need to be contagious, and that HAS to be spread to 64digits on numerous blogs.

I've seen huge numbers of posts and images to make fun of me, and even terrible private messages, as far as I'm concerned, your all TERRIBLE people 3.141592 TRILLION times worse than me.


frenchcon1 18 years, 1 month ago


lol he thinks herooftime is hot XD

oh, how i love adaptation of context :)