Pixelworld Extended

Posted by WhiteWing on Dec. 8, 2007, 7:24 p.m.

Pixelworld Extended is an extended version of the original game by DesertFox, who left an open source for people to use if they want. Thanks to him ill be making this longer version.

This will either include the game itself and the extended part, or just the extended part, or maybe an option for both.

This was one of my favorite games on 64digits, along with SapphireTears, Varia, and Kairuga.



DesertFox 17 years, 2 months ago

Wow - its been a long time since I've even thought about that game. Make me proud!

Patrick7286 17 years, 2 months ago

Do u have anything to preview? maybe some screens or a demo? ;D

s 17 years, 2 months ago

Tis indeed a nice game, though one of the charming things about it is how short it is

WhiteWing 17 years, 2 months ago

So your saying i shouldnt make an extended version?

o yea Desertfox, i just came across it when i was looking around the site, i thought it was pure genius =P

WhiteWing 17 years, 2 months ago

Patrick, ive only started on it so i wont have any screenies for awhile, it'll consist of mostly the same stuff, puzzles, more powerups, o and i was thinking maybe, someone would have to make it, an ending cutseen, as in, i was thinking, since we were recently learning about the construction of cathedrals, they had a maze in the middle, and if you could beat it, there was this shaft of light shining on this one area in the middle of the maze, and if you got there, you would be blessed or so right? so i was thinking, thats the end area of the game, and when you get past the maze, there would be a cutseen of the character stepping onto the steps onto the platform (possibly 3d, but who likes to see a 3d block step into a shaft of light)and he ascends into the light…

long post =P lol possible worthy of a blog