I have a new idea for a game but i a going to need either Snakemans or Theonlywonderboys help to mak

Posted by Whitetiger on Nov. 29, 2006, 5:20 p.m.

Wow i thought i put that all into my entry. Okay so the idea of the game is to get past 6 galaxys and each galaxy has 10-15 levels.

To get past the levels you must:

A) Collect all the main items

B) Destoy 50-100% of the ships depending on the level.

C) Finish the to end

And did i mention it all in a spaceship? yes i know its kind of like Starwars but you in an airplane all throuhg the game.

With weapons you get:

Weapon type……..Damage



Gattling gun………Little but rapid fire

With defense you get:

10 Second invinciblity shield

20 Second Weapon Damage increaser

10 second speed increaser

The main idea of the game is to save the galaxy from…. Rez?… naw mastermind?… Angel of death?

If you guessed Rez good answer but wrong…


Angel of death is correct.

Who somehow manages to get his/her/it's hand on the Omedron Sword that can shatter planets with its power.

As i said before 6 Galaxys 10 levels each galaxy.

Seems easy right… Maybe…. but with each galaxy the ships (Enemys) get srtonger, and so do you weapons what do you do?

Dodge, kill them, or the the ????in HECK OUTA THEM?


If you guessed C or A you are right…

Seems like a pretty hard game to make, right?

Well snakeman i need you help to introducing me to gamemaker since i havent used it in a long time.

By the way i think this is one of the largest Blogs.

By the way you can rate the idea of the game!


Polystyrene Man 18 years, 2 months ago

Reading this blog made me dizzy.

Snakeman 18 years, 2 months ago

same here. why do you want TOWB's help? he's bad at GM, and i'm too stubborn to help you.

so you're screwed, buddy

DesertFox 18 years, 2 months ago
Amarin 18 years, 2 months ago

I'd like to help. I've wanted to do a collab with you ever since I saw your sprites.

Shork 18 years, 2 months ago

That's a little specific.

Whitetiger 18 years, 2 months ago

lol okay well… um… okay then…. i dislike the snakes comment…. it hurts ; ;

Theonlywonderboy 18 years, 2 months ago

why do you want TOWB's help? he's bad at GM
Tis true -_-'

Snakeman 18 years, 2 months ago


Whitetiger 18 years, 2 months ago

its okay TOWB im bad at it too but someday i will be (Still) better than you. and you know it…