3ds MAX

Posted by X-Dood on June 29, 2008, 8:35 p.m.

okay, anyone one else use it? I need help, because im kinda stuck using it (it is verison 6).

well i want to put a model into a gamemaker game but i don't know what code i'd use and. i also do not

know how to save a model in the program so i really need help if ANYONE has this please help.

i just need two things.


Quote: this is so my post wont get taken off the list

EXTRA INFO: i use gamemaker 5,6,7 if that changes anything, and im NOT good at modeling at all so that's why i really need help with this.



PY 16 years, 7 months ago

'Quote: this is so my post wont get taken off the list'

Actually, it's still too short.

mesenberg 16 years, 7 months ago

I dont have 3ds max but if you can find out howto make models and save them as obj files then I know how to import them into gamemaker from there.

theres a "texturing model" example on my website, it goes into importing them. www.unreal.x10hosting.com