Time and Pixels

Posted by Xemrel on March 6, 2006, 11:43 a.m.

Well, the 12 days is up. I didn't get as much done on the platformer as I had hoped, but that's OKay, because I also got started an a new project.

The platformer is slow (too much script) and ugly (placeholder graphics), but it should at least be enough to give an idea of where I'm trying to go with it. I like the concept. Hopefully others do too… I guess I'll find out once it's accepted.

The new project I've started (working title : Pixhellate) is basically a drawing program focused specifically on spriting. I like to sprite, but that's not really something Photoshop is well suited for. It takes too much mouse movement and too many keys to choose tools and colors when I need, hence Pixhellate requires as few keys as possible. Almost everything is done quickly and simply by use of the mouse, usually without too much movement. The keyboard's primary function will be user defined shortcuts for choosing colors. Currently, you can't actually draw, but you can select/mix colors like a mad (wo)man. ^_^ The swatch system is neat.


Alpha Man 18 years, 10 months ago

I'd love to see a spriting program with the functions of GM and the pallete choosing ability of paint…

Xemrel 18 years, 10 months ago

What exactly do you mean by "functions of GM?" Any particular ones? I'm certainly open to feature suggestions. ^_^