RPG comp game progress: Demo! 2 chapters!

Posted by Yaru on July 4, 2012, 8:16 a.m.

Yeah, the title should tell you the most important bits. Shattered World: Beneath A Stone Sky's first SECOND demo is ready to play!

Features 2 chapter, ½ of which is the tutorial part (the first 3 stages of the Greatwall Academy). There's over 300 items and 29 playable classes (including the main protagonists' unique classes) so there's a lot more under the hood of this engine than you may think from the first glance.

Link to demo: https://www.box.com/s/2c7d160e460fc418e222

Mirror: http://sandbox.yoyogames.com/games/201511-shattered-world---beneath-a-stone-sky



BP Scraps 12 years, 7 months ago

Whoa, this looks pretty sweet. Will have to get on that demo later.

firestormx 12 years, 7 months ago

Wow, that looks incredibly nice!

I can't play the demo right now, but it does look beautiful, and from the screenshots, it looks like a good engine too.

JuurianChi 12 years, 7 months ago

This plays out pretty well.

I'm not totally sold on the story, but it's fun to play at least.

Cesque 12 years, 7 months ago

I only played the very beginning, but here's some constructive slash destructive criticism:

1. Drop or completely change the "typewriter" sound effects. it just sounds like bad noise, it's annoying and distracted me from reading the text.

2. Same for "enemy phase" text. Red text scrolling across the screen every turn made my eyes hurt.

3. Same for "victory" text. The expanding effect is okay, but the transparent shadow copies floating around it are completely unnecessary.

4. I think the combat could be simplified. For example, you could combine 'attack' with moving towards your target (as opposed to moving first, then having to choose attack) - though that requires some extra pathfinding, I know - and the 'perform actions' and 'end turn' functions could be combined.

5. Experience and gold rewards appearing over the GUI bars in the centre felt weird. Maybe you should move them to the right edge of the screen.

6. One more general suggestion: it's good to use the Ezra Pound principle in video game dialogue: if it doesn't contribute anything and doesn't increase immersion, you can cut it out. I somehow got this feeling about some of the speech before the first battle (specifically, the "geez, I know!" part). But maybe it was just the typewriter sound effect making reading painful for me.

In short: You're overdoing certain things.

Now for the good stuff:

I saw a tactical combat game and instantly thought it would be hard to get into, but no, it's easy right from the start, and the tutorial does a very good job at explaining everything.

The graphics are pretty (though the grass ends up looking a bit bland, but I pixel myself, so I know that syndrome) and detailed, though the trees look like they were obviously intended for a non-isometric game.

The hot dog item description made me laugh.

Iasper 12 years, 7 months ago

I mostly agree with Cesque. Besides that, it's nice to play, but I found the third tutorial a bit too hard because of the berserker. She managed to OHKO all my units, and besides that the only option I had after they all died was to quit to the menu because there was nothing that said I died.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 7 months ago

It's good. Everyone fighting in their bathing-suits made me think of Dead or Alive. The non-combat stuff reminded me of Ultima VI, which was an awesome game, but gave me nightmares as a kid. Take that however you'd like.

I feel like the amount of actions you can do in one phase is OP, but the movement or enemy placing is a bit off. Turns where you can only move and the enemies don't even reach you on their phase are major bummers.

Use your keyboard to control this keyboard to write your name.
I liked that bit.

Rolf_Soldaat 12 years, 7 months ago

I played all the way trough the demo and thoroughly enjoyed it, despite generally not being a fan of turn based combat.

If I have to give any criticism I would say that though the lifting/throwing mechanism is very interesting, it seems to become a bit obsolete later.

I would also like the option to completely skip dialogue and cutscenes. The ability to flee from battles would also be nice, especially since I often find myself accidentally reentering the wrong one.

Yaru 12 years, 7 months ago

Noted on most of the feedback.

- Fixed the loot glitch, now adapts to center align vertically.

- Remade first battle. Now shows how to do instead of writing a minor novel.

- Will consider adding a SKIP option somehow.

- Noted on the text SFX.

- Heard about the "all dead, no Game Over" glitch from a couple of people. Odd, I've never seen it myself. Must investigate.

- Noted on annoying text. Will fix.

- Noted on fleeing from cleared battles.

Yaru 12 years, 7 months ago

Oh, almost forgot.


- New version features improved "learn by looking" tutorial and has shortened and improved intro text.

- There's a cutscene instructing you how to HEAL and SAVE.

- Added a new chapter (Level Forest) with 5 stages and even more cutscenes

- Fixed multiple bugs, some very serious

- Tweaked character balance

- Optimized some AI scripts, now the game should run better

- AI characters with magic or tech skills will now actually use them wisely instead of picking a random one

Yaru 12 years, 7 months ago

Also, more importantly, there's a completely new damage formula: the old was unbalanced, especially in the early battles (berserker OHKO business).