Gun Princess 2 - Devlog

Posted by Yaru on April 12, 2014, 3:09 a.m.

Yeah, I'm making a game for the April competition. Nope, I didn't find "limited palette" a fun theme. I've just finished 3 NES-style games in a row and I'm kinda fed up with it. =P

My game initially was supposed to be a metroidvania game with Mario powerups, so you didn't get any permanent double jump, fireballs, missiles or whatever, you had to pick them up somewhere, get where you needed them WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE and using them there.

This was of course total rubbish so I scrapped the idea and made it a plain metroidvania instead.

The protagonist Paris was originally designed after Pokémon X's female protagonist's default appearance (because I've gotten a serious addiction to link battles) as a placeholder, but then I realized that with a female protagonist Cave Story style metroidvania I could as well slap the name "Gun Princess 2" on the game as a little motivation to finish the 1st game.

So what does the game have after 10-something days of all-night programming sessions?



A pause menu. (Which currently has no functionality whatsoever. But the menu is there!)

Polygonial water.

A shopkeeper with a Pikachu mask.


Acid 10 years, 9 months ago

You didn't have to use the theme literally. :P

The game is looking pretty good so far, nonetheless.

Yaru 10 years, 9 months ago

Thanks! I'm pretty glad the theme was optional, otherwise I wouldn't have feeled as inspired as I do. Gun-Princess is and will always be my 'main game', the one I'd settle with if I'd only be able to make one more game.

BTW, about the comp deadline… are we supposed to release the game before the deadline, or after the deadline? I nearly got disqualified from a previous 64D competition because I made a demo available during the comp period.

Castypher 10 years, 9 months ago

I see you've maintained your neat pixel art style.

And your default Metroidvania genre.

…And those horrible gradients that you insist on placing anywhere that has to do with text.

Acid 10 years, 9 months ago

Before the deadline.

evillair 10 years, 9 months ago

This is really cool, great work!

Yaru 10 years, 9 months ago

Before the deadline, noted. Will there be some more info about how to proceed (post about the game in this-and-that-topic, tag it with those tags, etc…) closer to the deadline?

Thanks! ^___^ I'm really proud of the gradients myse… err, never mind. -__-*

I spent entire last night doing a pointless refactoring that required me to change more or less every single player variable access. Hope it pays off, I could've done several levels in that time.

Acid 10 years, 9 months ago

To submit your game as an entry to the competition, all you have to do is use the 64Digits game submission system and set the genre of the game to "64DSC". Voting will take place via a form that will only be accessible to members of the site. All 64digits users will be eligible to cast a vote, while all participants are REQUIRED to vote.

Yaru 10 years, 9 months ago

Ah! Maybe I should've actually read the rules. =P

Castypher 10 years, 9 months ago

Sorry for sounding nitpicky, but you have this pixel art style that really sticks, and the non-pixelated nature of gradients kind of throws it off. If you made your own spritefonts, that would be a new story altogether. Dithered spritefonts would be pretty awesome, now that I think of it.

GM gradients have their uses, but not in any of your games.

Toast 10 years, 9 months ago

So wait, you haven't finished Gun Princess 1? That is really, really weird.

Nevertheless I'm always impressed how productive you are.

As for gradients, I see no issue