Gun Princess 2 Devlog: Final Chapter (release soon! because deadline soon! Gasp!)

Posted by Yaru on April 25, 2014, 3:47 p.m.

As always, looks like I'm gonna be able to finish exactly 50% of the material I planned to do. Luckily, I'll probably be able to finish an important boss battle at the 50 percent mark instead of chopping the game off at an arbitrary place. But we'll see about that.

Among the latest additions are status aliments. Now you can become poisoned by falling into toxic waste in the Ship Graveyard. No big deal at first, but it'll sip away your life a heart piece per second until it drops to a single one (aka, then any damage from anything kills you). I made the Medspray heal it, though, since you have so many hearts at that point a single dose seems pretty useless.

Obviously poison is also healed when you save since savepoints are also healpoints and ammopoints. Another reason to save the game often.

Another fun thing is the Ship Graveyard itself. It's a maze of color-coded blocks that can be in either of two positions, so the fun bit is to figure out how to toggle the switches so you can go where you wanna go. And to toggle them, you first need to find the keycards hidden around the place.

I also spent forever making the lower half of Batville. Unlike its same-named predecessor in Gun Princess 1, this Batville is a tropical island style city. It's much larger than the original Batville, it's currently 12 rooms, each smocked full with NPCs. You can get information, and buy accessories. (Tip: the Sushi Supplies shop sells fish you can equip. Give it a try! XD I found the idea hilarious so I had to use it)


Yaru 10 years, 4 months ago

By all means, go ahead and check them out :) Most features aren't that visible, though. FC mainly had an 'area creep'. It contains the following hidden areas:

- The Military Base

- The Metal Junglira

- That One Level

- Hikkori Death Pit

- The Drain

- Final Columbus (unfinished)

- Frozen Zone

- The Most Hidden Area In The Entire City (according to the signpost in that room)

- 8 special weapon areas

- 5 Cameo Hideouts

- Retro Underworld

I'd go as far as saying half the rooms in that game are secret :P That's a bit too much, really…

And on top of that, the Misty Launcher path has lots of edited cutscenes (since Misty is, well… live ammo, she's absent physically from several cutscenes and has extra lines to complain about how everyone treats her)

gpremier 10 years, 4 months ago

That is QUITE alot of hidden stuff! A game about hidden unfinished stuff…that's almost a valid meta-game concept in itself! Think of the time people explored the 'lost world' of the original metroid…

I'll get back to you once i played FC and GP1!

Yaru 10 years, 4 months ago

Lookin' forward to hear from you ^___^

gpremier 10 years ago


Well, i'm late, but i've been able to play both Final Columbus and Gun princess1!

Final Columbus : My first impression was better than expected, and run and Gunning were fun, lots of place to explore and stuff to find and the level up system was fun to use. However, once i've got to the lava/heat/thermal section, the game crashed each time there were too many particles, Even by lowering the visual and particle oprion it still happens. Probably because my computer is too recent, so i stopped there. But it was fun up to there! The only real critic i can think of is to pot some boss battle there and there, even if simple one to spice things up. From what i've played, i have seen none!

Gun princess 1 : This one gave me a better impression than final Columbus with more color everywhere and funnier/weirder design! It seems highly non-linear and with power up everywhere. Unfortunately, i'm now stuck : i've just beaten the Dizzy heat and got the bat -strap(Yay!), and i can't really go back up unless i let myself hit by an ennemy to jump high enough. There's a water labyrinth to the right, but from there all the road lead to a drowning death. A sign point to an exit to the east(the same that doesn't recommand to dive), but i don't see any. Is it the end of that branch? In all cases, it's too bad that you couldn't finish that one because you had a real winner here!

Well, thanks for the fun games and have a good day!

Yaru 10 years ago

For GP1, just make sure you EQUIP the bat straps (use Q to bring up the menu, then ask Raccoon about items), that will enable you to have Raccoon carry you around in mid-air (press Z + a direction mid-jump).

For Final Columbus, if you're on a WIn8 PC there are some issues with GM8. I don't know if there's any workaround, and due to obsolete function reliance I can't port it to Studio. You could try disabling sound altogether and run it in compability mode.

gpremier 10 years ago

Silly me, Althought i equipped the bat strap, i thought it only worked horizontally!

For Final Columbus, well yeah, i've been on a trip of old game i haven't played yet, and it happens quite often. I'll put these on hold(including Columbus) until i find a way to have an easy way to use an older OS on my computer.

Thanks for all the tips!

Yaru 10 years ago

until i find a way to have an easy way to use an older OS on my computer.