A correction, some GM, and some Philosophy mixed in, for fun

Posted by Z3da on Nov. 3, 2007, 1:54 a.m.


*ahem* First order of business: I phrased something wrong from my last blog in October. Why dost thou care? idk, but i'm not at ease with everyone thinking i'm in college.

some people here are in college, too, right?

meant people here may also be in college. I'm a HIGH SCHOOL soph. I was just asking wether there WERE people in college here, AS WELL as ppl in high school.

Isn't it cool how people across the nation and across various age groups are all connected by something like 64D? (Hah…you can tell i'm new to the "blog" concept…)

Actually, I sometimes just like to take a step back and look at the bigger picture; observe how the world works, and wonder at the everyday things we all take for granted.

Eh, enough of the philosophical stuff…for a bit; on to GM stuff! I'm planning on awe-ing (?) the GM club with a new Shop 3.0 demo. "The Shop" is the codename for my sub-project in a game my friend Pule and I are developing. It's the codename for…the in-game shop. (Shocking, eh?) well, the actual shop shall humbly ROCKeth once i'm done with this…*evil cackle*

Wow… So much to do this year. I got (weighted) A's in all my honors classes, but that's the easy part; now i gotta get some unweighted, REAL A's to bring the ol' GPA to > 4.0.

Back to the philosophical stuff…I am on a journey. To where? To BALANCE. (*represses laughter*) Seriously though, I've got to become more socially relaxed, more academically efficient, and more psychologically prepared for the world than I am now.

…k, 'nuff of that for the next MONTH. (My blogs are likely to be monthly now.)

*looks over blog* eh, "me me me." YOU post something now. How are your academics/programmings/lives going? are there any fellow philosophers out there? what GM projects are you up to? What else is relavent to this blog? (and etc etc…) who ARE you!?! (last one's rethorical…)


GearGOD 17 years, 3 months ago


s 17 years, 3 months ago

No explanation of what is in Shop3.0?Sheesh

But yes,some person thought I was in college once and when they found out I was just 15,they got all freaked and just went on bashing me for being younger

Socially relaxing is unimportant,academia I'd think the same.And for the psych,just mow it.I think I'm doing well,but last year some teacher decided I must have issues in the head,and now my TEE teacher didn't believe me when I said I didn't have an IEP,to the point that he called the office to verify

But yes,I'm half into phylo.Though I think I got my fill for the last while on the awful metaphysics after doing a 123pages of stick people surrealism

I've been more interested in the political stuff recently