Yum Yum Mangerie

Posted by Zac1790 on Dec. 18, 2006, 4:01 p.m.

My new project… A game where you are a blob thing that eats stuff until it gets big enough to eat more stuff!

The screenshot above doesn't tell you much but it's all I want to show right now.

Current features include:

-Changes color according to last eaten thing

-smooth feeling physics

-able to eat things smaller than self but not bigger

-able to grow according to what it's eating

-bounces from things bigger (until it itself is bigger than the object)

-a little bar showing how far you are to completing the level

-fading clouds from eaten objects

-sprays particles during collisions with bigger objects

-moving and stationary edibles

-two levels


-uses GM5 so it'll work on nearly every windows computer


-masks scale with sprites

-sounds = 1

-Atom levels 1-2

-in English

Will get to:

-more levels

-level themes and different objects

-Nucleolus level

-Plant cell level

-Animal Cell level

-Protista Levels 1-3

-Bacteriums and viruses levels 1-3

-foods 1-4

-creatures 1-2

-people and vehicles 1-4

-eat buildings 1-2

-eat cities, mountains, forests 1-2

-eat islands then continents 1-2

-eat planets 1

-eat solar systems 1-2

-mouse identification (identify what exactly you're eating)

-custom or normal music and more sounds

-in french

Hopefully all this can get me some extra credit in Biology and French… Anyway, you can expect a WIP up by the end of this week, it's great progress as I've only messed up in the code once (a variable called temp1 I accidentally called temp).

Tell me what you got out of that stuff up there.



Requiem 18 years, 2 months ago

Sounds like poor man's Katamari. (Which is sad, Katamari was a budget-priced game as it was. XD)

Zac1790 18 years, 2 months ago

Unfortunately for you, katamari made more money than you'll ever get from making a game.

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

Unless the value of money suddenly rises so much that a billion dollars is worth 1 dollar today =0

Flea1991 18 years, 2 months ago

It sounds..pretty cool.
