Two More!

Posted by Zac1790 on April 11, 2007, 8:18 p.m.

Yesh! I finally finished Sim Vassal, my first RTS type game, and it's number 57 on the qeue. It took so long for such a simple game. Luckily the time was rewarded, the game really affects your mood at the end and finishing leaves me satisfied. And of course the gameplay lives up to being an RTS.

In the mean time, I've also made a little quiz program that Oddworld fans will appreciate… Here's the link to the GMC topic… here

Finally I'm embarking on my first indie game. :D


Well, my team is the only people allowed to see the design document and only one other person on it directly edits it. Group sessions allow for AI charts to be made and jobs are easier given in person (or over IM lol).

Good luck on your own projects, hobby, indie, or commercial.

