I'm Back! / Aw Shucks (MoMinis Comp)

Posted by Zac1790 on July 10, 2011, 10:06 p.m.

I just got back from a half-month long trip to the Dominican Republic a little over a week ago. Very interesting. I want to write something about it but I have mountains of raw footage (or maybe just foothills) and video is just so much more legit than a short bloggy summary. So I'll get to work on that editing, eventually. I wasn't actually logged into 64D recently before then either. I just have this tendency to lurk here. Which is a shame because of how awesome everyone around here is with discussion and feedback.

Also, if you're reading my puny blog you've probably also read FSX's pinned entry about the Mo'Minis Studio Competition. I tried to enter that. With only 10 days. (GAH FRAGMENT!) I really would've had more time than that because it's only the rough draft, but still. I ran into major issues. Being a fellow semi-unrealistic and irrational in his designs, I decided to make an epic RPG. First up was the issue of simple movement and collisions. NONE OF THEIR EXAMPLES HANDLE IT. The most advanced one I could find was for platform physics only, not overhead/front view, and it was bleh. Eventually I came up with a solution that simply moved the character out of solids in a smooth movement.

But that was just the beginning :( What really annoyed me was that the built-in properties of objects are impossible to access from the object name, even if there is only one instance. So you almost need to have a collision event between objects to have them using each other's X and Y positions, etc. Still, it's able to be worked around. Especially if you do something more abstract than a game about walking around, killing, and questing - which is a good idea.

Here's what became a more serious road block though. The simulator apparently does not use a DirectX or OpenGL canvas… So Fraps is out of the question and you need an actual screen-capturing software. I <3 Fraps. I think. I mean.. I just bought it.

So I think I just wasted the last week on lame drag & drop stuff which is limited to fewer functions than I have fingers and toes :P But other than that I feel okay. How're you?


JID 13 years, 7 months ago

Welcome back. =D

Ferret 13 years, 7 months ago

Welcome back.

Yeah I tried the MoMinis thing as well, but I didn't like it enough to dedicate what little time I have to it.

JuurianChi 13 years, 7 months ago

Welcome Back to 64.

…what Ferret said.

Zac1790 13 years, 7 months ago

Thanks guys! :D

I guess this only further justifies your decision ha