64DSC - Cats Log#2

Posted by Zac1790 on April 23, 2014, 3:09 p.m.

Yesterday I was finishing up the game I said I'd be done with weeks ago but it was fun and worth it. That's probably done now so today I've made some more progress with my contest entry.

Queue gifs:

Cat swagger wagger

Fancy pants mcinventory zoomin and out

If you want to make gifs of your contest entry check out LiceCap; it's really awesome despite the name that makes your scalp itch!

As long as I finish the compo with something playable and fun I'll be happy.


Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

it's really awesome despite the name that makes your scalp itch!

No wonder my head itched right before I saw this blog!