And also a bonus lament about GameMaker:Studio! (caution! This blog is extra meaty with lots of content and divergent paths you may go on)
I'll start with that, then we'll get into the goodies! (are you a bad news first type person or good news first?) So I have 2 apps on the AppStore: CrateHill and Chord Hacker. When iOS8 came out they both reached brick status, at least on any device with iOS8 installed. Spoiler: that's means most iPhones. They crash on startup. I ran into some issues trying to rebuild them for it that are mostly sorted out. CrateHill is on it's way back now, it works, it's just in review at Apple. That usually takes a week the first time and probably like 3 days the second time. Chord Hacker, however, refuses to build… I don't understand the difference. The only thing I can see is that there is a space in the name. And I'm getting an error somewhat related to that but can't seem to fix it by changing the name. The frustration that comes with having to build a game on a mac through a windows machine is horrible. It makes me want to run to Unity and never look back. However, I will look back. If I was Lot's wife and GameMaker was Sodom and Gomorrah, I would be a pillar of salt. Thump.Anyway, I wanted to show off the stuff that I managed to build in Unity before deciding to switch to GameMaker in the middle of the competition. Even with the deadline extension I'm glad I switched, though the resulting game, if finished would have been so awesome.Tech-demo and Source Code!
Posted by Zac1790 on Nov. 6, 2014, 10:04 p.m.