Tool..The Band

Posted by ZaleR IsK on Feb. 12, 2007, 3:50 p.m.

I'm listening to Tool and am wondering..Who sings songs about pot? (hence the song The Pot) Also, their is a song called 'Hooker With A Penis.' WTF!!

Anyways, like my picture? (thanks Aster) I felt the blank space there was kinda out of style so..Tell me what you think of it! I think it is ok and Aster is gonna make me a banner aswell (Aren't you Aster? :P) I would make one but I don't have Photo Shop. Nor do I wan't to take the time to make it. So, post what you think but don't give it TO harsh of a rating :D. Although, Aster did make it in 2 minutes…hm..Talent? Aster being lazy? I think lazyness…Aster is lazy. Trust me. He sits at home all day eating cheezy poofs watching Naruto. (LAWL ASTER) Sad I know. So, please, send $2 dollars a day to the 'Help Aster not watch Naruto/eat Cheezy Poofs all day fund!' Get a nice keychain to go along with it!

We'll, now that I'm done being bored. Something has been on my mind. Every night I go to bed..I HAVE CRUMBS IN MY BED! WTF!??! WHY! It's like my bed has something racist against me and puts crumbs in my bed. I don't even EAT on my bed. WTF? Ceiling falling? Cave man in my bed? Robocop? I DON'T KNOW!

Alrighty, I'm out


OBELISK 17 years, 8 months ago

lol stfu nubcake i shot u ot of my nubcake cannon k k thxbai

ZaleR IsK 17 years, 8 months ago

[/quote=Obe]lol stfu nubcake i shot u ot of my nubcake cannon k k thxbai

LIES!! ALL OF THEM I shall have to take evasive action *plays evasive action music* Plalease hurry on my banner :P

ZaleR IsK 17 years, 8 months ago

Quote: Obe
lol stfu nubcake i shot u ot of my nubcake cannon k k thxbai

OBELISK 17 years, 8 months ago

you got the BBQ badge, hoo-rah.

ZaleR IsK 17 years, 8 months ago

I noez right? Its exciting