Nine Inch Nails

Posted by ZaleR IsK on Feb. 24, 2007, 8:39 p.m.

Anyone heard 'bout the Nine Inch Nails stuff? "The Presence" is sorta freaky. Some sites about it are all you have to do is hold down the left click and erase the background and click the letters. I heard it was just a promotion for his CD, but I still think it'd be a funny thing to see a hand just come out of the sky. Been listening to his songs alot, like them. Should get em. My Violent Heart, Survivalism, and Me, I'm Not. Very good.

Also, been playing WoW on a private server >.> Not as good, I know, but still. Nicks House is what I'm playing on (Night Elf - 14 Priest) w00t. Me and Aster (Night Elf - 14 Druid) played it a bit. Fun game. Anyway, just kinda wanted to talk bout the NiN stuff. Freaky. Aster went to teh movies tonight so I'm bored…prolly end up talking to Obe or something. Maybeh play WoW later. Anyone else play WoW? Make sure, if you post, you tell about your character. So, laterzsdf


ZaleR IsK 17 years, 7 months ago

Nope, we'll be stealthy ninjas. Wearing pink, but hey..It's all coo