HPE Project Status and Project Fireworks

Posted by Zaron on Nov. 4, 2006, 1:58 a.m.

HPE (the HamstaPowah RPG Engine) isn't dead, for anyone wodnering. There is proof of that now at ye olde ImageShack, and I can only hope that, seeing as HTML doesn't work in blogs anymore, this works:


If not… well, copy and paste then, I guess. In any case, that shows that the sub-menu is being made. Yay! And it doesn't look like total garbage which is typically a plus.

So, yes, present WIP is the sub menu. Save/load had a nasty bug for a bit but that's been fixed up. Widescreen option still doesn't work - the view refuses to realise its drawing canvas has increased, so what we get is a 800x600 view of the room stretched out to 960x600. The view size is set properly, I've checked that, GM unwittingly confirmed it itself at another point… it just don't wanna. So unless a miracle worker can help me get that in place, it probably won't make it past the engine betas.

Which makes me sad as I know I'm not the only person out there with a laptop these days, and wide screens are sexy. >:

I've gotta get the bees attacking again in battle - i hated how I went about it in the first place and have to really rethink some things. Once I get the attack system rewritten so that i can actually look at my code and know what the heck I might have been thinking when I wrote it, then the nitty-gritty of getting attacks working will be back in the game.

As an exchange, the enemy has a basic movement AI for now which makes things at least a bit interesting to watch, item use is functional for the wonderful acorn, and basic overworld interface is started.

Really, I'm torn between a new demo release to replace that horribly outdated one, or just waiting because I know by the time it's approved it'll be outdated already. i shall leave that up to you guys. If interest is shown much at all, I could probably stand to get a new demo out…

As for Project Fireworks, a good bit of concept work is done, but very little of the actual game programming and layout itself is even started. Lots of thought without much action. The artsy stuff must be done first, however, and the concept work Liz is doing will serve for some nifty unlockables, if nothing else.

So, yes, my two more advertised projects live. Always a good thing.


melee-master 18 years, 3 months ago

Nice meny, although the blue and brown really contrast each other.

foslock 18 years, 3 months ago

Purty graphics, but I agree with melee.

Zaron 18 years, 3 months ago

You mean the background? It changes colors, or you can set it to one specific color you like. So the brown isn't anything permanent unless the player has bad taste and makes it so - or has brown boxes, which also wouldn't be so hot. >: Ew.