HamstaPowah Stuff and Such

Posted by Zaron on Dec. 1, 2006, 1:47 a.m.

As if my fledgling RPG engine isn't enough of an advertisement (albeit one that comes along slowly as I strive for greatness and am far too picky for my own good. New demo someday. Really. Status screens. oooo?), I figure I'll post about HP's present event here as well.

LINK TO COMIC'S PAGE: http://hamstapowah.comicgenesis.com

Just get that part out of the way right now. XD

Being December, I've busted out the special Christmas comic strips again. People liked 'em last year, but most of those people got into a big fight with each other and left, and the people I have now haven't really seen any of these. How it works this time around is, as with last year, you vote to see the comics. By vote I mean click a couple buttons and help me scale the toplist. In case you didn't know how that works. You get comics, i rise in the ranks. It's a wonderful thing.

New this year, however, is that for every ten votes I'll be putting up one of the strips in the Gallery so people can go see them more than once a year, and if this doesn't wrap up this year somehow then next year the strips will pick up from whatever point was reached in the Gallery. 310 votes this month (slightly more votes than i get hits in a week…) means all the strips go up, and i know of at least a couple readers that would be eternally greatful for whatever help you offer.

NOW THEN. To keep this from being a blatant ad promoting my comic, I shall update you all on the status of HPE.

The sub-menu is there. Wonderful. I believe that was in my last post. Since then, i've got the status screen started, and of all the things to be lazy about, I'm too lazy to type in the script to draw the stats on screen.

Though you al must forgive me for this. i've been horribly busy as of late, mostly with finals and junk. >: Lots of time in front of Freehand tracing some mountain and trees and a train and… my goodness, it bit much bunyuns. Next term we do the same thing with Illustrator.

Joy~? <.< >.>

But this weekend will have much drawing projects, and who knows i may get sick of looking at perspective and my collage with Arnold Schwartzenegger, Herculese and a camel fighting over who is bumpier than the cobblestone road upon which they stand. (Design class, on that note, is actually pretty fun most of the time.) Then I could probably get something done involving NOT DRAWING. D:

Let's not get into my RPG Maker XP use as of late. Laziness and Rm mix well together. I type the dialouge, set some stats, occasionally edit an image a bit… and it does the rest. For the purpose of making me feel productive when in actuallity I just spent two hours mapping the third floor of some dungeon people will spend ten minutes in, RM is a wonderful tool.

That and compared to GM it's a cakewalk and you become an intermediate user off the get-go, never mind I was using RM way before I found Game Maker and thus for the basics am very versed anyway. I can even almost mess with the Ruby a bit, which is impressive seeing how there's nothing out there about it written for idiots like me and all the comments are in Japanese. i made a load game function off of the Quit menu. I'm all proud of myself. XD

Now the little bro wants me to figure out how to do splash screens. I imagine it can't be all that hard, but sheesh… >.o I'm gonna need a lot of patience for that. Either to tinker around or to just learn some frickin' Japanese programming jargon. I think he'll be waiting a while, on that note.

Anyone remember the original Jazz Jackrabit? Back in the mid nineties or so? You know Epic STILL expects people to pay for the 5 non-shareware episodes?! In any case, I got a DOS emulator (DOSBox) and it runs the thing, which is cool because apparently with some DOS stuff if your CPU is too fast you'll get a nasty error telling you the game can't run because it can't keep up with your computer. You'd think Sonic's rabbit clone with a gun would enjoy a fast CPU, but nay. Thanks to DOSBox, I relived my childhood, something the Windows Jazz 2 demo will never give me. Thing ruined Jazz early on, and let's not touch the thankfully obscure GBA title. >:


SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 2 months ago
SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 2 months ago

Who would pay for Jazz Jackrabbit today? Thats a bit much to expect from anyone. It'd be a much better idea for EPIC to release them for free and use that to advertise a new game they are making or something.

Zaron 18 years, 2 months ago

Yeah, except all Epic makes anymore (literally) is the Unreal series. I mean, come on, they own the two franchises best known for platforming on PC - Jazz and Jill, respectively. Jill of the Jungle in 3D would be like Dead or Alive platforming for PC. And Jazz…. would probably be a lot like Shadow the Hedgehog.

Probably why I was one of the few who looked forward to Shadow…