Status Screen is Go.

Posted by Zaron on Dec. 7, 2006, 2:58 a.m.


So, apparently, when I don't feel like drawing cute little hamsters making crappy jokes and Ash from Pokémon exhibiting how retarded he is ("It was at that point that I realised that i couldn't breathe because I'd been underwater for the past two hours! Ha ha ha How crazy is THAT?!"), I code because I'm stuck on everything else due to my mood. Whatever works. This puppy went from nothing to this just today, and that makes me happy. All I had before were the instructions on bottom and his picture on the side.

And for all of those who complained about the brown at some point, allow me to demonstrate the amazing versatility of customizable background colors. If you don't set it to one, it just cycles through the hues and thus sometimes the colors in the screencaps aren't fantastic, just whatever it was showing at that point in time. to make it all nice and aethsetic, I made a dark blue. Hopefully this won't result in the brighter blue boxes having too much contrast, as then you'll all scream about your eyes being burnt out. Box and text colors can be customised too, on that note.

If i feel up to it tommarow, I'm gonna try and add in some stuff for battle. A lot of today was cleaning up code and such, so honestly most of the work I've done isn't even visible to the player to any great extent. I need to set some stuff to be compliant with the detail level option, too, but otherwise all is well. My only complaint is that my fancy widescreen monitor's gonna have to do with aspect ratio as Widescreen as an alternative still isn't wanting to work. >: Not without messing the majority of you out there with the standard scale monitors, in any case. But my script's a lot cleaner - not perfect, but much more compact and hopefully resulting in a faster compile and load time to some extent - and this is a huge step for the sub-menu, albeit the completeness is somewhat a farce until the other party members are in and i add a couple things. for what I've got, though, this is all it needs.

So… Priorities for HPE before demo:

1) Make with the kill things. >: Meaning Zenith needs to be able to attack with at least the basic strike. Bees need to be able to counter - battle win and lose will be there, but don't expect the fancy menus and bonus screens in the enxt demo - that's art intensive and not too mention a pain that'll be in development well on into the games - in fact, I really expect that the bonus system will never be completed, only expanded upon with each game, granted I ever get more than one done.

2) Remove widescreen from the menu. >: Is not working.

3) May or may not get a couple more items on the sub-menu totally worked out, though I'd like having it set up so you can cancel out - presently, your only escape is to return to title at that point.

4) Maybe some sort of general interaction on the overworld. Again, this could work out to be fairly art intensive. >:

On a side note, can you take the tiles and such that make up a room and turn them into a texture actively, or must that be done seperate? I ask as I was thinking a 3D-esque map would be pretty spiff if I could get it to work. Spiff enough that I'd even consider actually MAKING a world map. I was going the whole "Choose your destination" route, to be honest…


V 18 years, 2 months ago

Ah, a world map wouldn't be too hard, but 3D I haven't messed with much, and I think it might be tough, but w/e, it's your decision.

Rob 18 years, 2 months ago


Ever heard of the word "grammar", lol.

Zaron 18 years, 2 months ago

Most helpful second comment ever.