Figure I may as well show what i was talking about last blog and get a pic up of the thing. Just a title, probably semi-temporary, just need to change a few things. but for now, it'll do.i'm sure I could get into some whole schpeel about the lot of it, but I'm in a rather poor mood and would likely chase everyone away in a great hurry.Phear. D:EDIT: img tags = nothing comes up. Either ImageShack is being poo again, or… whatever.EDIT: img tags = suddenly working. INT-OR-ESTIN'.
Pretty cool looking, Hey, but how to do you post the picture directly onto this site? Where can I find the picture's HTML code to put it into a blog?
okay… I wrote "[_i_m_g_] not [_I_M_G_]" (without the _'s)and my comment went all skrewy, but basically when posting an image you need to use [_i_m_g_]image location here[/_i_m_g_]Mines the _'s
Yeah, I did that and got nothin'. No image can't be displayed, no leftover code like I did it wrong, Just an extra line break where the image should have been. 'tis quite screwy.
That's weird….and the second comment is all screwed up.
OMG Rob. Do members like you insist that we make a better parser? >_>
A simple way of writing a link instead of reading rob's comment is [[blk]img]Image URL[/[blk]img]
yay i still have HTML access
Well, it decided it wanted to work so I guess it's probably ImageShack's fault, soooo… Any comments on the picture itself save for that first one? XD