TABLET: "Happy birthday, Zar."
ME: "Why, thank you. You're looking a little pale today. Are you okay? … Hello?"DUN DUN DUNNNNSeriously, it's been almost a week of having a dead tablet. Most unpleasant. I've ended up playing a whole load of solitaire, discovering new depths of how evil that game can be.Losing within moving two cards. Didn't know that was even possible. Go me?But the new one's coming, as is sonic for the Wii, which I guess is supposed to be the best of the 3D batch for the blue blur, but, hey, the ones everyone else hates I tend to love, and vice-versa, so we'll see. So far, the only common consensus is that the 360/PS3 one pretty much sucks through and through. ): Worst demo ever.But, yes, new tablet is coming, and once I'm set up with that I can get back to getting new pages of the comic up and such. In the mean time, I'm working on a page for Digital Integration, which is run by Tsukari. Beyond that, lots of D-Hopper cleaning and goofing off.Happy Birthday, indeed.
I love how the only comments I ever get seem to be about my typing.
I'm confused.Why do you speak with tablets?
because, silly, I'm crazy.