Card Shuffle Example - D1

Posted by Zaron on April 11, 2007, 9:55 p.m.

I've been working on this. Just a quick example as to how one might shuffle cards. Covers some basic stuff and what not, but before I go writing up a whole summary and submitting it, I'm putting it up here in hopes that some of you will look at it and inform me of anything particularly confusing or bad about it. and please, in the event you must do so, do so kindly. I'm even more fragile than usual lately. Kinda sucks. but it did get me to do something in GM, so… I guess it's not all bad.

So, yes, please, someone give that a gander. It's kinda written to be noob-friendly, so if it isn't, I'd really like to know. :x

EDIT: I've submitted the example and it is now #54 in cue (holy crap! O.o). The version for the 64 Digits archive will be slightly modified from the one linked to here for the sake of a bit better writing and some clarification issues, and I think one whole typo, which for me is an amazing feat.


s 17 years, 10 months ago


Guess I won't have to do that one anymore

Zaron 17 years, 10 months ago

Yes, the blog is short. But at least it's something. >.> i've not felt too inclined to fiddle with Gm since version 6 came and screwed everything up.

s 17 years, 10 months ago

I held to,still using GM5 but thinking of porting to 6

Should get back into it,though Vista isn't even compatible with 6

Zaron 17 years, 10 months ago

Vista isn't compatable with anything. >.>