Generic Self-Plug

Posted by Zaron on Dec. 3, 2007, 4:21 a.m.

It's December.

December means it's the vote drive on my site!

Since this is a place for primarily the Game-Maker-related business, i suppose i should explain for those of you who couldn't give less a damn about web comics.

If you couldn't give less a damn about web comics, humor me briefly, or just leave. I'm cool either way, I guess.

> Buzzcomix allows you to vote for comics you like.

> You can vote for as many comics as you'd like.

> you can only vote for any given comic once a day. You could do a hundred a day, nobody would mind, but you could only do each once. Unless you cheat like Zone does.

> When you vote for HamstaPowah during December, you're doing a few things.

>> One, you're helping support HP on the toplist, making it more likely that someone dropping in will spot it, and thus helping me get exposure.

>> Two, you're getting to see one of the special daily comic strips I'm putting up as vote incentives, and

>> Three, you're contributing to the total vote count. for every 20 votes I get this month, I'm adding one of the Christmas strips to the Archive in the Gallery. (There's a big section marker titled "CHRISTMAS," and it's incredibly hard to miss. Feel free to play catch-up.)

It's only been going for a couple days, so if you start now the minor bits of continuity shouldn't faze you too much.

I know you guys have been supportive of the development of the RPG (hell, that feedback is one of the only things keeping me from giving up hope on it these days, but that's my lack of free time talking), but the comic is part of the same continuity - the game is meant to be the prequel, and bits of it will be showing up in the comic soon.

As far as HamstaPowah GAME related news goes, I'm considering putting together some little minigame thing just to have something finished. the newest thing in my games list is still Candeh Chaos, which is… upsetting. The RPg needs me to be able to sit and think about it a decent amount of time, and if I gt the chance lately I usually devote it to something else with more immediate results than five hours of trying to figure out why this or that doesn't work right. call me lazy if you must.

but yes! December, Holiday vote Drive, evil gingerbread men. do give it a gander if you've the time. :D


stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

Web comics banzai! QC is awesome! And White Ninja's hilarious!

Need to check yours too :)

EDIT: Well, you should finish your drawings with computer. At least bit more contrast, so it doesn't look so gray and mild.

Zaron 17 years, 2 months ago

… I'm pretty sure you just judged a five year old comic by, like, the first chapter alone.

I will redo that someday.. when i've actual, you know, time. x.x

Try the newer stuff before saying I need to use the computer or add contrast tho, as five years is a lot of time to gain experience, sir. :D Or so I like to tell myself.

elmernite 17 years, 2 months ago

As a comment on your last blog. The smash thing looks nice. You do the graphics yourself?


Zaron 17 years, 2 months ago

Sans the dude with green hair, yes.

Dude with green hair is Zephron Scythe, and belongs to/is done by my partner on the project, Jon Lucas.