Wise Fwom Yo Gwave

Posted by Zaron on Jan. 8, 2010, 5:23 a.m.


Still hovering about now and then. I've not abandoned GM, but most anyone can guess my consistency by now. All the same, I've updated my projects page to actually let people know where HPE stands presently, granted anyone remembers the thing. Frankly, I don't expect anyone to. I've not given much reason for people to care, and that won't change much anytime soon! : D But I poke it. Oh, do I poke!

So like if you're taking the time to look at this maybe I should prove that. Well, lemme think…

I've got some tunes scattered about between Newgrounds and FurAffinity (I caved, okay?) and I've been doing some design work. Kiiinda hard to put the music here (that and I've forgotten how to use any and all tags. It's like I'm an utter noob all over again! : D), buuuut…

Click it for the DA page and junk.

Oku, Spirit of Darkness! I've been poking at character designs for the spirits and such. People familiar with HamstaPowah's lore probably know about Dylan and how he was the first Rodbearer and junk, and I figured since Darkness rising is some unfathomable beast of a game to even shoot for I should aim for something more scaled down, but still relevant to the cannon. Thus, Urakai, the story of Dylan and the Spirits of Realm. Oh, ho!

And in truth having most of the party being what is conventionally held to be rarely called upon summons in standard RPGs tickles me in horrifying ways that make me giggle like a schoolchild on crack. GM8's native ellipse collision support makes my battle system slightly less impossible, as well. Granted, I still have the little issue of "I'd rather gouge my brains out than work on these freakin' sprites" but I'm slowly combating it.

… So very slowly…

Honestly I kinda like doing the music and coding more than the sprites. Guess i get my fill of "draw the same thing over and over" doing the comic? : |

In any case, more info, project tab, whatever. I'll try and, like… keep people updated on the thing. It's size makes it more likely to see the light of day than DR had, but at the same time… my striking perfectionism keeps crippling such things in horrible ways. So we'll see. Consider it empty promises until proven otherwise. :x


DesertFox 15 years, 1 month ago

You caved D:

Another one lost to the dark side…

Also, welcome back! You know, it's nice that the older members are trickling back in. I quite like that!

Castypher 15 years, 1 month ago

ZARON. You came back from the dead.

You didn't miss much, I think. Wait…no…I've not been around long enough myself.

Rez 15 years, 1 month ago

Great drawings, welcome back.

Zaron 15 years, 1 month ago

I've stalked about now and then, so yeah, I know I've not missed a whole lot. XD Site's had some rocky terrain recently, no? But things seem (mostly) stable lately. Now they just need to get game submissions churning out again…

Ferret 15 years, 1 month ago

:< I don't remember you…

Castypher 15 years, 1 month ago

Zaron was around with the old forums. I think back then, you had something like a panther eye, didn't you? Mabe someone else?

Also, everyone seems to be out of GM for the moment. It's that or producing epics. 64Digits has never had a full commercial-length adventure-type game released, I think.

Zaron 15 years, 1 month ago

I used to have the panther eye more or less, yeh. Just changed that like a week back, too.

I'm not sure what my exact plan is once the game is done, but I am aiming to make it expandable, if that makes sense. b: If I get my tools and junk in order, there's a good chance others could mod the ol' crap out of the poor thing. Which would be neat! Buuut that's a ways off. b:

Scott_AW 15 years, 1 month ago

That is nice art, all around.

V 15 years, 1 month ago

Hey, I haven't seen you around in a while. Nice avatar, I gotta say.