
Posted by Zaron on Jan. 22, 2010, 4:56 p.m.

So yeah, here's something else I haven't done in a while.

While Redux and the main comic keep me too busy to pour any real progress into the RPG Engine, i can't simply bottle up my ideas or viewpoint regarding gaming and thus I craft horrid abominations simply titled GDRs. That's Game Design Rant, for those curious.

in any case, I tried doing them on Thursdays for about a month, ran out of steam (and yes, one must have steam, as one is being steamed about… something), and have now come back with a relative vengeance (?) as of this week. Dunno how long I'll keep it up, but my bet's on "It'll happen when it happens" since forcing the things got me nowhere fast before.

Thus, this week I bring the world the best and worst trends and conventions in RPG gaming. Some of it's obvious, but that doesn't mean I can't make fun of it.

I figured this being a site basically full of aspiring game designers and all maybe I could target my attentions a bit in this direction to get some feedback or other. If not, hey, I tried. I'll try and get more to show in the design or music department in the near future, but should you deem the rant worthy, there's a handful more you can get to hitting the "GDR" tag at the bottom of that post, or just clicking this thing.

I'd love more feedback or just general activity on the site, if'n anyone's up for that. As is I'm marking five to ten comments a day as spam thanks to glorious bot after glorious bot…

Think I've rambled long enough. Peace out.

- Zar


Scott_AW 15 years, 1 month ago

Great article on best/worst rpg trends.

Ferret 15 years, 1 month ago


That first link was very interesting, I read the whole thing. Although most of it was obvious, it's nice to see it all in a list, and because it's so obvious it makes you wonder why there are such bad games out there…

Quote: my comment
I agree, I really did not like fire emblem because at first I had no idea that it was permanent, so I didn't have a chance to restart and I found that to be absolutely stupid. GTAIV also auto save when busted (and lose all your weapons), I really do not think that game deserves such a high score, it's well made but not well designed.

Have you tried the game "Demon's Souls"? I know you just ranted about losing everything permanently, but those are for games where the objective is the get to the end of the level. In Demon's Souls every time you kill an enemy you get souls, souls are the currency of the world for weapons, repair, and leveling up stats. If you die in the game all your souls are left behind on a bloodstain where you died and you have to reach your blood stain to gain them back, but if you die before reclaiming them they are gone forever. No bank to safe hold them,… Nvm, you can look it up your yourself, but basically in the game yes you do lose things permanently, but it's difficulty makes the game so rewarding when you win. You should definitely try this game though it's a very good RPG.

Long comment for long blog(s) (in link that is)

Zaron 15 years, 1 month ago

Actually, I thought Demon's Souls looked kinda interesting, brutality of it all aside. My general budget at the moment leaves me borrowing everyone else's crap, tho, and if I had money, Bioshock 2 has an LE coming out next month that looks oh so delicious. b:

Quietus 15 years ago

i liked the first link, i don't think it's as obvious to someone who isn't as familiar with the genre.