And there's nothing you can do about it.
Figured I'd take a moment today and do SOMETHING for HPE, seeing as I've been such a lazy bum with it lately. Redux keeps winning my attention, when the PS3 isn't holding me captive like a horrible bondage slave.So there you have it. A mock-up of the main sub-menu, abusing my Annel concept as much as possible because I had it open anyway! :D So there she is… over and over and over again.Pretty much keeping the nine party slots and grid distribution thing from the last iteration, but may modify it a bit depending on what I need. Using the radial system instead of a grid for the battles may make this require adjustments, but more or less that's how the main window's going to look, goal being a screen capture of what's going on when you swap to it shows behind the menu instead of Annel #10 there.Adore native PNG support. This'll make life so much easier…
Head to my blogroll and scroll down quite a bit and there's actually still some shots of the old version, which makes me feel kinda bad about my pace but, hey, whatever. XD
Holy damn.
PNG support, always a bonus.