New Song, Screens, and Progress

Posted by Zaron on March 19, 2010, 8:57 p.m.

Cripes and beans, here we go.

First off, I've made a new song for Urakai. It's up over on Newgrounds, and anyone capable of giving it a favorable vote would be appreciated. kinda tired of hearing how I'm improving and then getting scores lower than crap I put out almost three years ago. .-.

- EDIT: The song has been revised and updated. The new versions are up on Newgrounds and FurAffinity. Thanks for your feedback, to those who chipped in their two cents. It helped a lot! -

And on that note…

While it's not the exact menu I'd constructed in the mock-up (that kind of requires I get party structure and the like implemented properly, among other things), it uses the same scripts and the like to happen. Nothing here presently works besides changing your selection, and there's still some refinements to do, but I think it demonstrates quite nicely that what I'd constructed before is completely possible in GM. so hooray for that.

Save my computer having a hissy fit and thus dropping my frame rate to piss, this is the zoom room. It usually runs at 60 just fine but if i break 20 right now it's a miracle. I intend to reboot as soon as I'm done here, thus, and see where that gets me, as I've not touched the code and typically one can go out quite a ways or at last get through the title screen without ever taking a hit to the target rate. If you can't manage the target rate, however, I've allowed for it to be halved. Technically, it can be doubled or any other such thing too, seeing as it's all determined by one global. point being, I'm happy I put it in because today the laptop is not a happy camper.

Case in point with the zooming thing.

I put the game into 3D mode so I could set an orthographic view when needed and draw to that regardless of view scale. I was rather happy view scaling works as well as it does, but I do need some things to be independent of it, and therein lied the part that needed a bit more effort. Nothing fancy, but it's functional.

So, in short, my menu construction goes well and my camera control went better than planned. And there's a new song.

I am completely okay with all of this.


Scott_AW 14 years, 10 months ago

Are you using 2d polygons? Primitives in GM can save you a lot on processing.

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

I'm not. I've not tinkered with it, really, and with the sprite rotations I use depending on how GM goes about it I might not even know how to go about implementing the math. :/ It's good to know and I'll see what's what with it, tho, certainly.

Quietus 14 years, 10 months ago

what are you using for that violin sound?

i normally don't like lead-driven electronica but this is some good stuff.

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

The violin is a soundfont. stavi-violin2 or something. If Google fails you, I could probably help you out with it. I've only gotten to use it in a couple songs so far, but I rather like it. the only weakness is that I can't find a way to reduce the attack on the thing for the faster notes I tend to want it to do.

Castypher 14 years, 10 months ago

Ahhh, the graphics are aesthetically pleasing. Very nice work.

NeutralReiddHotel 14 years, 10 months ago

The menu looks nice, and good job on the 3D, I also want to do that for some of the stuff I'm working on since it could come in handy.

What is this game about again?

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

Urakai is going to cover the story of the original Rodbearer, Dylan. Aside from a brief mention on this ancient thing, no a lot of detail's been given on him in the lore, so it seemed a good idea to flesh that out somehow or other, and it works out quite well for what I've been aiming for with the HP Engine.

But, in a brief summary, the game is about Dylan and his journey to gather the Spirits together and do something about this Ekana thing that's dropped in from outer space. i think some overall moral on the value of human life is snuck in there or something too, but really it's just an excuse to let Mialo exercise the full extent of her infamously PMS-y attitude. Or, at least, that's how people tend to describe her.

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

I love you.

But seriously this sounds awesome, will you be done anytime soon?

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

given my track with things, probably not. XD I poke at some things for it about once a week or so, and am still working on the base interface bits, which still leaves most anything for the game that's not tied to menus to be worked out.

I'm more or less crafting my own editing tools for this on top of using GM, so it'll be a bit.