Commissions, Rants, and a Gallery

Posted by Zaron on April 7, 2010, 6:07 a.m.

In other words, busy busy gato.

I've not a lot of pictures to offer this time around, so I'll try and keep this from turning into some impeding wall of text-based death. Old habits die hard.

First and foremost, I need rent/gas/date money and thus have tried to bring more attention to my Commissions page, wherein you can make me your little slave monkey for any needs you may have for something like nine bucks an hour.

Meaning, if you think my menu layouts are spiffy or my character art or whatever would be just perfect for your game project, I can do that if you can cough up the coin. Likewise, my music and the typical artist's commission stuff, as mentioned on the linked page, are all fair game.

On that note, I've also recently put up a gallery page at long last to hold all of the HP-relevant sketch, incentive, and otherwise freely available artwork I've done for the comic over the years, so feel free to peruse that at your leisure if that so happens to float your boat.

And, last but not least, I did another rant a while back that I didn't link here because my previous journal hovered on the front page for something like a freakin' week, but I put it out here now as this place has all manner of gaming and game designing and game programming sorts that might care to see these. This one's on the place and position of hardcore gaming on Wii, so it probably isn't going to spawn anything like the FPS cliché list that started growing up last time. And by all means, feel free to argue with Zone or tell him his response post is just too huge or whatever. I adore discussion of any sort happening on the site so long as it stays in the PG realm as far as language is involved.

That about sums that up. No engine updates atm as I've been trying to get myself back into gear working on Redux #1 and assorted other things. Kumoricon returns in a matter of months, and if I'm going to be in the Artist's Alley I'd best have something to sell, no? So that's taken priority atm.

Peace out, y'all.



Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

commissions… hmmmmmmm. I will keep that in mind I hope you know…

I will have to read your rant another time, when I'm not supposed to be doing homework…

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

Strips for your school paper's not a bad way to go, really. I've never been approached by a university one, tho, just my high school back in th' day. :c -slight envy- In any case, Iunno about uni but HS didn't pay, but all the same it gets some exposure out there and honestly it can add to a portfolio too so long as it's applicable for what you aim to do. Sounds like an OK deal.

And Frerret, did you really think I'd be able to *help* you focus on that? Thought this already came up! XD

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

I do not understand Cyrus.

Hmmmmmm, strange, these comments only consist of animals…

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

Maybe our combined nonsense will offset how much others like 4channing up the place! We will be heroes!

So long as we don't turn this into FA, anyway. o3o That's a horrifying prospect.

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

Don't pretend you didn't unlock it Cyrus ;)

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

I often wish I didn't. o3o But just enough of it isn't crap that I leave it open and rapidly remove the rest of the terrors from my sight.

DesertFox 14 years, 10 months ago


*is jealous of anyone with artistic ability*

Ferret 14 years, 10 months ago

Yay! Another animal!

And I agree with desertfox. :(

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

Express your jealousy! Express it through my Paypal donor button!! XD

Zaron 14 years, 10 months ago

Yeh but how often do you see a blog's comments stay so active largely because of three people? Save maybe that vegetarian one a bit back. o3o Yay, arguing?