Oh, yes, there's probably somebody thinking this is the RPG but NO YOU ARE DREAMING STOP.
I have recently launched the big time suck that is HP Redux on my site. It's a 20-page revision of that rather rancid first chapter. @___@ Now it's all tolerable and stuff! Check it out at link thing!http://hamstapowah.com/?p=1225I've also splattered the art thing found therein all over the internet. If'n you're feeling generous, go slap some support on it over at NG or something.http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/zaronx/an-epic-taleYEAH I KNOW LINK DUMP WEE? DXMaybe now that Redux is done I can get some of this Flash and GM stuff worked on. Except, oh right, I need to find a job in two months or I get kicked out. Awesome.Alas, time will tell. =3=
Impressive drawing, unfortunately I find furry cartoon humanoids intolerably annoying
@Toast Any particular reason?
Read all of chapter 1, and I rather enjoyed it! :)
still need to catch up ;_;
Thankya, Marbs!
@Ferret: if you want to just keep up with the new stuff, start at chapter 10's beginning with the knowledge that "Rod = stolen, we need to get it back," and then catch up on the rest as you've time. o3o S'quite a bit of it, yes, but it's really just the last couple chapters.