The human race is becoming ever more advance (which probably explains the crack in the earth) over time. Old habits however stay the same. Some people however stick to their traditions as everyone else BUT they decide to "spice" things up.
Take this as a exampleLittle Timmy loves using sigs. Here are samples of those sigsOld sigs:):(:0:PAfter a set period of time, he makes a few changes.New sigs8)8(808pNotice the difference? Timmy still uses sigs BUT he decided to "update". So you can still have old habits yet you can spice them up and make them unique, or to resemble a super hero, or just for no reason…PS: Timmy is a character I got out of Giants Citizen Kabuto (PS2/PC game). He does not resemble any human being, mainly because he's an alien, like me!
Ummmmmmmm WTF.
*sees trend laughs at it* 8D *sees what he has done*8O*kills self* *_*
You are so stupid…
The human race is becoming more intelligent, taller, and stronger. We are developing incredibly fast compared to most animals.A 16 year-old is about as intelligent as a master at his specialty 400 years ago.We are about 4-5 inches taller now than 200 years agoAthletes are running faster and faster, yet the human population as a whole is becoming lazier and lazier… i farted heheheheh
except for sk8m8trix, he's about as intelligent as a caveman
Ohnoes, teh possibilities!
I hate smilies that start with 8. The only ones I consider acceptable are those that start with either : or = [:P]Yea, hes the only one going backwards [:P]
aww man, that far was a warning sign… i just had explosive diahreeiah
You see, gentlemen? This specimen above is going backwards against the laws of physics. His intellect is going lower every day he lives, and his stupidity rubs off onto people who TOUCH him…
Which is why he and Micheal Jackson are jackasses