I'm still working on the TDS Halo game...

Posted by ZeroSoul on Jan. 5, 2007, 7:48 p.m.

I sucessfully made vehicle collision, and changed a few weapons. I got rid of the weapons that only were used in halo 2, and replaced some of them with other things. I replaced carbine with plasma rifle, and beam rifle with rocket launcher. I need some feedback…Should I update my old example or upload this new version? In this new one, the whole shield system and the health bar system dont' work well. I've made a different version with the old hp bar i used in the first example, so should I upload that one or the one with the messed up shields?/hp system? Anyways, I also added grenades and plasma grenades and health packs that you can pick up that are found on the floor. I'm still debating wether or not to put in friendly marine AI. If I do, I'll need some help with programming.

Other stuff:

For a while, I thought that TDS sprites were hard to find. Then I found out that its pretty easy to make them. Most of the graphics of the TDS halo game were made by me, but some were edited off of of a sheet I found on google. Loads of credit to that guy. Anyways, I'm still looking for a Wii. Everyday, after school, I go out and check out most of the stores in my area for wii's. I heard from my friend that its easy to get one at some Nintendo store in NY. Although, I dont' have time to go there, so i'm out of luck. I wanted to get one for a while. My cousin got a PS3 on the opening day while ago, but didn't open it until a few days ago. We played Resistance and it ROCKED. The control system was confusing though. Sorry to all those people I might have insulted in my last blog about waiting for the PS3. My cousin waited for 3 days and 3 nights. I wrote that last blog a few days before I found out that he got it.


Killpill28 18 years, 1 month ago

Sounds cool.

ZeroSoul 17 years, 11 months ago

Wow…It's been a while since I've gotten a comment on this blog. The only comment is from someone who I pmed about this anyways. =P