TDS halo: news about progress, and the progress itself

Posted by ZeroSoul on Jan. 24, 2007, 2:45 p.m.

I just got a new wii. I played for a while last night, it was pretty fun. I played red steel, its pretty hard to controlt the guns. Wii sports was pretty cool,my friends and I played tennis for a while.

Anyways, I've made MAJOR, MAJOR adjustments to my halo TDS game. I'm nearly finished with the WIP version of TDS Halo. I'm pretty much debating on a title and storyline. One of my choices is HALO: the betrayers. -.- bad storyline and title so far i guess. Its not really much of a wip, more like a demo. =P Most of the sprites used in my game are custom, based off of this:

Basically anything in my game not found in there is custom made and/or edited.

NOTE: WIP will be pretty much the same as the full version, just with much less levels. Wip will only have 1 full level, the full version will have about 9. The WIP will NOT include brutes, wraith, special op grunts, or banshee. It also has a crappy save function, which works, but doesn't work that well.

New features not found in example:

working shield and health system

shield recharging

enemy Hunters

scoping with weapons that have zoom feature

shade (stationary plasma turret)

ghost bullets that fire towards the mouse(as opposed to just straight out in parallel lines)


ammo picking up


rocket launcher

no shotgun =(

no beam rifle =(

individual weapon's ammo (the example had unlimited ammo and when an enemy dropped a weapon, it was full ammo)

picking up weapon ammo from fallen weapons on the floor

shield skills (like shield wave, a move I made myself-it takes all your shields and makes a radiation wave, leaving you temporarily with no sheilds, but making an energy wave that hurts enemies around you)

grenades with trajectory(if in range, always hit the mouse position)

grenades found and pickable from the floor

healthpacks found on the floor

Progress with game features:

Shield system(works now, complete with recharge)-100%

Health bar system(follows halo 1 system)-100%

Weapon switching system-100%

Weapon swapping system-100%

Enemies-75%(2 missing)


Vehicles-75%(1 missing)

Weapons-88%(1 missing)



Over-Shield-10%(barely accomplished anything with this)

Ammo picking up-20%

Details about features NOT finished:

Enemies-grunts, both orange and red, have been comepleted, jackels are finished, blue elites are finished, red elites are finished, yellow elites are finished, hunters are mostly finished, brute sprites are finished-AI has not been added, special-op grunts sprites are finished-AI partially finished.

Vehicles-warthog is finished, warthog turret is finished, ghost is finished-complete with overboost and shooting at the mouse, shade is finished-complete with triple bullets that spread, banshee will not be added to this WIP-still debating whether or not to add it to the game at all, wraith sprites are finished-programming is not.

Weapons-assault rifle finished, plasma pistol-with homing charged blast and overload finished, plasma rifle with overload finished, pistol with 2x scoping added finished, sniper rifle with 2x and 4x scoping finished, needler with homing shards finished, energy sword is almost finished- slicing animation isn't completely accurate as opposed the real game, rocket launcher finished, fuel rod gun partially finished.

Overshield-only got the sprites done, everything else is unprogrammed

Ammo pickups-adding ammo from weapons on the floor is finished, pickable rockets and sniper rounds are finished, all other weapon ammo found on the floor NOT from weapons are not finished

Author's other comments:

Fixed the glitch with weapon swapping the sniper rifle found in the example

Homing system for charged plasma pistol and needler shards are quite sudden, they're the best I can do =

I know that the bullets move slowly, this is so bullets aren't instant. It adds to the game atmosphere.

I know that the shield in Halo isn't tilted upright like that when you are hit or when recharging-This is the only way I know how to do it and its the most efficient way

There are two scoping modes and niether of them are ANYTHING simalar to the Halo scoping system. The first is controlled by the arrow keys. By pressing the up arrow, you move the room view forward, down arrow retracts the room view, left and right turns the view.The second type is mouse view mode. Same as the first, but instead of turning the view with left and right, you turn it using the mouse.

Thats about it for now. Just a question, should I try to sprite a banshee? I completely sprited the shade myself, so I'm thinking about spriting a banshee…if more comments say yes, I'll sprite a banshee and include it in the game. Though, not in the WIP(DEMO)

EDIT: Just one more thing. I changed my avatar woo…Its a naruto thing now. Its showing how naruto changes over time. In maplestory character form. I made it myself =)


GMmarine 18 years ago

Your making a Halo clone? Well good luck with that, and try not to get hurt…

Requiem 18 years ago

Naruto fan's making a Halo game.

Everyone, take cover!

ZeroSoul 18 years ago

errr…its not that I like halo more. I did try out a naruto tds, but i gave up on that. But, I liked naruto more than halo back when I joined, so I chose this name. Oh yeah, its not as bad as it seems, its actually pretty good. Mostly custom sprites, all based off of some sprites I found searching on google. Check out my example, its kinda like that, 'cept MUCH better. Check it out once it comes out.

n1ko 18 years ago

hooray! another halo tds game!hpefully it wont be as bad as the other 1,000,000 of them out there (who am i kidding, im making a halo platform clone.) good luck :)

LoserHands 18 years ago

<b><i>beautiful</i></b> wraith!

GodsChild 18 years ago

Cool, I guess…

DarkSoulcalibur 18 years ago

kool, my bro says u gunno maybe make a partner ship with him. becarful that he doesnt take credit for it… i'll make sure he doesnt

DarkSoulcalibur 18 years ago

wtf?… im on his acount? oh god…

DarkSoulcalibur 18 years ago

srry about that… i was accedently on his acount… lol. he got mad and tried to kick me off wen he heard me sayin that. so he succeded and got on, but not long enough to get me from kicking him off. :)

DarkSoulcalibur 18 years ago

kool, my bro says u gunno maybe make a partner ship with him. becarful that he doesnt take credit for it… i'll make sure he doesnt