New Godzilla Movie?

Posted by ZtheGreatest on Jan. 7, 2008, 6:50 p.m.

New Godzilla Movie? Well, yes actually, just yesterday, I just found out there was. (gasps) The movie is called "Cloverfield". Its said to be about five peeps in New York City, when a big ass monster attacks and starts killing everything. I guess its mostly about them trying to survive as the thing rampages through the city. Well, now that were talking movies, there is also something I dislike about upcoming releases on the "Comedy" subject. Yes, I usually enjoy comedy films SCARY MOVIE 1-4 and DATE MOVIE and EPIC MOVIE is "okay." But now, there just wasting their time. I mean, what the hell is "THE COMEBACKS" and "MEET THE SPARTANS????" WTF! I mean its just the've created so many of these films that its getting annoying, especially if their not funny.

Am I the only one with this opinion people… :?

Don't ask about Onix (NOT A POKEMON), its going smooth though (sorta)?


Yes Im going to watch… OHIO STATE!



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I hate AIM. Its stupid. (For those who dont know AIM, its an instant messenger). Everytime I go on my comp, it pops up, freezing it. I've tryed unchecking "Auto Sighn In" and stuff… man its annoying. why? WHY?


See ya



ZtheGreatest 17 years ago

thats the monster

blueBX 17 years ago


Thats not the monster. It's just concept art made for a contest on what you thought the monster looked like or something like that. Also:

-It's not another Godzilla movie

-It might be a creature from the sea

-Might have something to do with infections(look at youtube trailer in the scene where they show the woman behind the curtains getting bigger)

Joseph 17 years ago

might be? look at that thing, it's a fuckin giant whale. whales are already giant, wtf…this is even bigger.

ZtheGreatest 17 years ago


theres two creatures eating a girl