New Godzilla Movie?

Posted by ZtheGreatest on Jan. 7, 2008, 6:50 p.m.

New Godzilla Movie? Well, yes actually, just yesterday, I just found out there was. (gasps) The movie is called "Cloverfield". Its said to be about five peeps in New York City, when a big ass monster attacks and starts killing everything. I guess its mostly about them trying to survive as the thing rampages through the city. Well, now that were talking movies, there is also something I dislike about upcoming releases on the "Comedy" subject. Yes, I usually enjoy comedy films SCARY MOVIE 1-4 and DATE MOVIE and EPIC MOVIE is "okay." But now, there just wasting their time. I mean, what the hell is "THE COMEBACKS" and "MEET THE SPARTANS????" WTF! I mean its just the've created so many of these films that its getting annoying, especially if their not funny.

Am I the only one with this opinion people… :?

Don't ask about Onix (NOT A POKEMON), its going smooth though (sorta)?


Yes Im going to watch… OHIO STATE!



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I hate AIM. Its stupid. (For those who dont know AIM, its an instant messenger). Everytime I go on my comp, it pops up, freezing it. I've tryed unchecking "Auto Sighn In" and stuff… man its annoying. why? WHY?


See ya



ZtheGreatest 17 years, 1 month ago

thats the monster

blueBX 17 years, 1 month ago


Thats not the monster. It's just concept art made for a contest on what you thought the monster looked like or something like that. Also:

-It's not another Godzilla movie

-It might be a creature from the sea

-Might have something to do with infections(look at youtube trailer in the scene where they show the woman behind the curtains getting bigger)

Joseph 17 years, 1 month ago

might be? look at that thing, it's a fuckin giant whale. whales are already giant, wtf…this is even bigger.

ZtheGreatest 17 years, 1 month ago


theres two creatures eating a girl