[Zyzyx66]New Project Screendump

Posted by Zyzyx66 on Feb. 26, 2010, 3:44 a.m.

New screenshots for my current project - notice the slightly (sometimes muchly) improved visuals. There are several more tidbits of info on how the game actually plays here too!

I've been working on this project fairly solidly for a few weeks now, and it is fast approaching preview time. There are only one or two important pieces left in the puzzle.

I'm still playing this one close to the chest, but rest assured - it'll be fun.

Ambush! The dynamic nature of a space-based battlefield should add a whole lot to strategy

There is more to this game than brute force, but sometimes it works a treat.

Note the much improved graphics on the large structure, and the change to the rings. More info on what all of this is shortly. Promise!


ATOGAMES 14 years, 12 months ago

I'm soooo gonna play this.

SteveKB 14 years, 12 months ago

this still reminds me of that other guy's work which is why I'm looking forward to it :D

marbs 14 years, 12 months ago

This looks really cool, I like the sprites. The arrangement of the asteroids in the top image however looks quite unnatural, since they are almost all aligned to a grid.

Cesque 14 years, 12 months ago

The arrangement of the asteroids in the top image however looks quite unnatural, since they are almost all aligned to a grid.

At first I thought it's a desktop with asteroid icons. :P

Zyzyx66 14 years, 12 months ago

The asteroids look much better when you're flying around in game. It's a product of how I had to design the levels - I needed it to look natural while still retaining the control and flow of the map. And since there are several hundred (or thousand) asteroids in each map, it's very time-consuming placing them by hand, so I randomised their placement according to a grid.

But thanks for all the comments, guys! Not long to go now before I release the first real info on the game.