[a2h] [rant] wtf is with the letter X

Posted by a2h on Aug. 1, 2007, 9:18 a.m.

Everyone: Why are you putting "X" next to your name. Oshi, it's already mentioned. Fine. I'll rant about…<br /><br />Putting X everywhere on 64D.<br /><br />Fine, JakeX and MischiefX can get away with it, but are you guys (read: everyone who is not an admin/moderator and name ends in X or puts X after everything) all like wannabes or what, just to get attention? Stupid attention seekers. No, this blog post does not make me a hypocrite because I'm referring to the letter X not *blah*X.<br /><br />Seriously.<br /><br />Now on to other stuff. Where is teh consistency? I'm getting only 2-3 comments nowadays D=<br /><br />Anyway… what I said about MiniGames Collection volume 1… it's not going to be retro styled…<br /><br />I have so little to say now, apart from my rant.<br /><br />Anyway, who here uses WLM 8.5 beta? It's got Aero support (for VISTA users = Very Inflated $ To Acquire)…<br /><br />What else… oh right, it's the 1st of August and yet my internet speed still hasn't gone from 5kb/s to 25.6kb/s. Yes, I have crappy ADSL, thanks to Sol Trujillo's WONDERFUL phone company forcing crappy prices and saying that it's because competitors are forcing their prices up. GET A LIFE.<br /><br />[Australians only alert]<br />KEVIN RUDD WILL EAT YOU AND OFFER US AWESUM BROADBAND<br /><br />Anyway… end of mega rant blog. Bai.<br /><br />-a2h*a2h = a2h^2!


blueBX 17 years, 6 months ago

The only user who put the X in the end of the name to get attention was Firefly.

a2h 17 years, 6 months ago

Got it ages ago, you kids with your US IP's, in my day we downloaded the Spanish leak!
So did I. Then I grew a brain and downloaded the US one.

frenchcon1 17 years, 6 months ago

Everyone puts X at the end because of JakeX. HE WAS THE ORIGINAL.


a2h 17 years, 6 months ago

Darkness is evil.

Join the light side. xD